"Thanks," Genesis tells him, following the tall man as he turns around and starts to walk through the cave towards the entryway of yet another passageway.

"Do you think Meg's okay?" you ask nervously as you all follow Genesis and Auron.

"I don't think Hades will hurt her. This has to be a trick of some sort," Roxas replies.

You let out a sigh as you drop your head slightly, dragging your feet as you start to walk through the other passageway. You're still not sure how they're able to stay so calm during these situations, but you were sweating bullets at the thought of fighting Hades.

>> Fast Forward >>

"Here we are," Auron announces as the seven of you finally come to the end of a long bridge.

It had been a tiring journey through the Underworld, and you were now convinced that Genesis was correct in the assumption that there were supernatural powers at hand affecting those still alive; you were exhausted, and it seemed like everyone else, besides Auron, was too.

"This place really saps my strength," Roxas muses as he rubs his shoulder.

You and Leon nod in agreement as Auron and Cloud wrench open a gigantic door at the end of the winding bridge, revealing a dark staircase.

"It's Hades' way of keeping outsiders from reaching him. His chamber is up this staircase," Auron says before he starts walking up the stairs.

"Do we have to go up there?" Kairi whines, looking terrified.

"Yes," Leon answers before he shoves her after Auron.

The walk up the staircase was quiet and surprisingly quick, you were happy to discover. You soon found yourself entering a rather large, circular room. There was a throne on one side of the room, and windows overlooking the Underworld from above on the other side of the room. There was also a circular table in the middle of the room.

"It's very dreary here," Genesis comments, his voice sounding a bit sad.

"I hope we can leave soon," Leon mutters, shaking his head slightly.

"Oh, that can be arranged." You all snap around to find yourselves facing a scowling Hades. "What are you brats doing here?" he practically growls, standing in the middle of the doorway as a way of blocking your exit.

"Getting Meg, of course," Roxas replies.

"Good luck with that," Hades muses with a smirk before he snaps his fingers.

You let out a gasp as Roxas, Kairi, Leon, Cloud, Genesis, and Auron disappear into thin air, leaving you alone with the God of the Underworld.

"What'd you do with them?!" you ask angrily, clenching your fists.

"Relax, they're fine. I just wanted to chat," Hades assures you as he walks towards you. "So, [Name]... What could I do that would convince you to join our side?"

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