Chapter 15

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Almost 2,000 reads!! You guys are great, I hope you like the twist.. Honestly I didn't even plan it, it just came to me. Make sure to Share/Vote/Comment! Thanks.

*Michael's POV

I was in Luke's room as he went to work. It was too silent in the house, very silent. I feel so fucking bad for doing this, I really did like her and considered her my girlfriend. I wanted to be with her more than anything but I don't want to see my parents get hurt. Luke honestly was fucking crazy, he'd do anything for drugs. Matter of fact that's why I was forced to do this, I owed him. 

Before I met Daniella I was basically in some debt shit with him, I had to pay him 500 and I know I didn't have the money, he saw Daniella in my bed sleeping so peacefully, "Her." He said, I looked at him like he's fucking crazy. "Don't even think about it Luke o-" He put a blade to my neck, "If she doesn't come to LA in 3 months I will kill you and your family got it asshole?" I couldn't overpower him. I knew for a fact Luke would, he'd done it before.

He already had a plan so I didn't have a choice but to go with it. I Pretended my brother died, which I don't have one, and acted it out. 

I walk into the room, I found her lying on the bed but her position wasn't right, at all. "Dan?" I uncovered her and nearly puke. The blood from her arm nearly covered the sheets and I grabbed my phone to call the police. I pick her up and run down the stairs screaming her name hoping she'd wake up. "Please god let her wake up" was all I said. The police came with an ambulance and I had no time to explain. I got in the truck with her and held her hand the whole entire ride. 

"Any clue of how this happened?" The doctor looked at me and back at her. "She cut herself obviously, is there anything in her system?" I hope she didn't do stupid shit, please tell me she didn't. "She has pills in her system, lots of them. She's unconsious right now, so we'll have to pump her stomach and see if she needs more blood. 

What was the point of someone so beautiful causing harm to herself? It hurt me so much because this was literallty all my fucking fault. If I just let her be her and never spoke to her she'd be with Andrew right now, playing with her dog or some shit. 

We pull up to the hospital and they rush her into the E.R room to get her stomach pumped. I sat in the waiting room alone just thinking about they way she bites her lip when she's about to say something nerviously. The way she flicks her hair off of her shoulder when it's in her way, I wanted her to be in my bed again with my plaid pants on her; I wanted her back. 

The doctor opened the door and sat beside me. "She's awake.." Before he even finishes I get up and rush to the room. I walk in and see her pale, and tired. It was like she was 10 years old, so young and sad. 

"Daniella?" My voice cracked and her eyes close tight. "No, no no." She starts to cry and I feel my heart rip in half, she doesn't want me here. "I'm so so sorry, this is all my fault I deserve to die right now." I cry with her and try to hold her hand but she slowly moves it away. 

"I want to go home." She says and I nod, "I'll sneak you back home.." I know she doesn't want me anymore, I know she doesn't even consider me her fucking boyfriend anymore. "The doctor said I can't leave until tomorrow morning, if you don't get me back home I swear Michael." She sits up and I nod wiping the leftover tears. 

In the morning I go into Luke's house and put five hundred on the table and grab our bags. I go back to the hospital and see her sitting on the edge of the bed, with her hands cupping her face. "Daniella? Are you.. uh.. ready?" I place the bags on the bed and wait for her to get up. "Why is this happening right now?" She cries and I sit up to sit beside her but she scoots away.

"But.. I'm taking you home now? Isn't that what you wanted?" She nods but shakes her head. "But I wanted to come here with the real you, and go back home with the real you now I'm too scared to trust you again, I can't do this right now I just want to go home." She gets up and grabs her bag to the bathroom and I sit there, speechless.

I'm not the same person she thought I was? All of those stories about my life and parent's were true, but the Luke part. Luke and I have known eachother for some shit of time but my parent's told me not to see him anymore because they caught him with drugs. 


Daniella's POV*

The car ride to the airport was silent, uncomfortably silent. His face looks pale, like he's going to be sick. He pulls into a curb and rushes out of the car and bends down. "Mic..Michael?" I get out of the car and rub his back as he begins to throw up. "It's okay, are you done?" He nods and cries, I've never seen him this way but then again he could be lying.

"I'm okay.." He says and I nod then get back in the car. He sits down but doesn't drive. He turns the car off and looks down. "Michael we're going to miss the flight.." He stays emotionaless, "I just want to change, and to.. and to make everything right again." I sit up to listen because I know he's not finished. "I am fucked up but I don't mean too.. I just want to be perfect for you but you deserve someone better than me, I'm not shit and you know that, you only accept me because I was the only one who was there for you." 

Then it hit me, was it really true? If I found someone better would I love him like I thought I loved Michael? 

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