Chapter 13

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I put Chapter 9 back in 8, so read it from there.. sorry I haven't been on I've been busy. I'm not sure if i'll be able to finish the story, I don't know. I really want to thank you for these comments and reads, so just for that I'll try my very very hardest to continue this story! So I hope you enjoy, my twitter is @pizzaoh, my instagram is @wifivibe, my tumblr is Feel free to contact me. x

When I wake up I felt like I was in his room again, his arm wrapped around my waist, our feet entangled together.. but it wasn't real. My imaginations were so strong up to the point where I felt them. I get up to take a shower and brush my teeth but I remember what Andrew told me, did he really hang out with a 14 year old?

I know I was going to confront him about it, so I get ready and put on a Sleeping With Sirens hoodie and black jeans with toms. I curl my hair but the power goes out from the storm, luckily I had already finished. I walk down the stairs and see my mom holding a flashlight and candle.

"Do you think it's a good idea for you to go to school today?" She puts the candle down and lights it up. "Yeah, it's not that bad.." I walk out of the house and see Michael punch the hood of his car. Even in the windy rain he still looks attractive. "Need a ride?" He looks at me and smiles, "Yeah thanks." He follows me to my car and I remember to confront him as I start to drive.

"So you and Andrew, my brother talk?" His eyes widen a bit and he looks out the window. "Yeah, he was always throwing footballs at my yard so I started to talk to him, he's really mature to be 14." He chuckles nervously but I decided not to make it hard for him. "Yeah, he always hung out with older people when we didn't live together, just to have someone to look up to because I wasn't there."

I remember the day my mom found Andrew with a 17 year old, when he was only 12.. She caught him smoking weed so she didn't let him see his friends until I came back. He told me he did that because the kid told him it would be fun, and there wasn't anyone to tell him what's good and bad. I felt bad but it was once, and it's a new year for him.

"Are you really going to school today?" He scoffs and I chuckle. "I missed two days, I'm not missing today." I didn't want to, but most of my classes were honors, and I got to leave early if I wanted to. "I can leave at 12, sounds good?" He rolls his eyes but nods, he is so confusing. "Yeah, lets just go so we can get this shit over with." I laugh and park in an open lot. When we walk out the wind gets stronger and nearly blows me into Michael, he wraps his arm around my waist but lets go when he sees his friend. Oh.. I walked away to look for Amanda, sadly I don't see her so I just walk into class. I grab my work from when I wasn't there and complete most of it, we didn't do much but talk about the storm while Michael kept trying to touch my thigh. When class ends he grabs my gym bag and walks me to the locker. He kisses my cheek and I still feel the fire, even if it wasn't much.

When gym ends it's past 12 so I decided to leave, I find Michael sitting on a bench in front of my locker, he looked angry but I stayed silent. He grabbed my arm and walked out of the building. "You fucking kissed Austin?" I jerk my arm off and step back, "What? What is wrong with you why would you believe that! The furthest I went was hugging him!" He can't be seriously buying his shit. "Well he told me you did, but of course you'd fucking hug him!" And he is. I turn to my car and start to walk.

"You can't be seriously defending him, I'm leaving." He starts to follow me but I turn the car on and sit in it. He opens the door and sits next to me. "I'm sorry for believing him, and for being mad I just didn't know what to do, because I want you all for myself and I always had, you know?" I don't know actually, but I just nod. He rubs his fingertips on my thigh and all I do is let him. He starts to kiss me but grabs me to climb on top of him, it was in school but we were parked in the back; where nobody ever came. I feel his fingers go in my loose pants and I grab his hair gently. Never in a million years did I think I'd have someone to do this with, ever. His hands grab my bottom and I feel goosebumps rise. I start to move my hips up and down to tease him but he bites my bottom lip making me giggle.

I loved to feel like this towards him, I honestly don't think anyone would make me feel this way, I wasn't sure if anyone made him feel that way though... Everytime I have a great time with him I begin to think if he did this with other girls? I know he probably did.. I climb off of him and sit in the leather seat. "What?" He fixes his hair while looking at me, his green eyes glowing from the car light. "Nothing.." I say quietly and he unhooks the car keys and holds them. "You're not leaving until you tell me Daniella." I look down, I know if I do i'll get a damn lecture.

*Michael's POV

Everytime I kissed her or touched her, she'd stop and get sad after. Was I doing something wrong? "Tell me now." I say and she crosses her arms while looking down, "Did you feel the same when you did it to the other girls? Before me..? I know it sounds silly but everytime it happens that's all I think about." I was a virgin but I did fuck with other girls, but it was all a game. "No, I didn't and I never will because you're all I want, you're the only person who makes me feel this way." I wanted to see her smile, it made my day just to see it.

"Well alright then." I love it when she flicks her long brown hair off of her shoulder, I just wanted to play with it all day. She turns on the car and starts to drive out of the parking lot. Her cheeks were still pink from what happened, I chuckle a bit because I was the one who caused it, not fucking Austin. "Where are you going?" I look at her arm, the cuts on it were fading but I can see some are new. "Probably McDonalds I'm starving." I nod in agreement, that shit they have in school won't make me full. She finds the McDonalds while in the pouring rain and parks infront of the door.

"What do you want? I'm paying." She shakes her head and we end up disagreeing on who pays. She loses and orders a McDouble without mustard or onions and cookies while I order a BigMac with large fries. We both get a sweet tea and sit beside a window. I loved watching her eat, everytime she'd catch me looking she'd blush while chewing. Adorable, that's what she is. I begin to feel guilty for making fun of her months ago, I just didn't know what else to do. "All done there?" She asks while throwing her trash away. "Yeah, we should go before this damn storm gets worse." She walks behind me and I sit in the driver seat.

"What're you doing?" She asks while sitting next to me. "Driving to my house, this storms really fucked." She puts on her seatbelt and I do the same. As I drive I see an accident with many police and ambulences. Daniella's face goes pale, but I drive past it and try to ignore it. I park in my drive way and she climbs out the car. I open the door and she takes off her shoes and leaves them neatly beside the door. All I wanted to do right now was hold her in bed, and play with her curls and tell her things no one tells her. I know she deserves all the attention she needs, she deserves everything, then theres me. Someone who doesn't deserve shit, someone who doesn't even deserve her.

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