He stared at it, then looked back up to me as if to say, 'really? you can't be serious' and I shrugged. 

"Be happy you get something." I grinned, and he sighed, but quickle put it into a pouch before hugging me. I then turned to Hidan. 

"See ya, asshole." 

"Later bitch." and that was that. 

Next was Pein. "Bye Pein-kun." I said, grinning at his eye twitch at his nickname. He sighed and nodded, then pat me on the back, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Good, you're not too sad to see me go." I said, my words laced with sarcasm. He rolled his eyes and then gave me a small hug, which made my eyes widen. I stared up at him, then to the other members whose eyes were also wide and staring at him. 

"He..." -Deidara

"Just...." -Kisame

"Fucking..." -Hidan

"Hugged..." -Kakuzu

"Me..." I finished, still staring in awe. Pein scowled. 

"Say goodbye to everyone else and then leave." He said, not forcefully, but  just to change the subject. I nodded slowly and then turned to Konan. 

"Bye then, Konan, even though you locked my friend in a dungeon and chained him to a wall." I said, making the others sweatdrop. 

"I've already told you I didn't know if I could trust you!" she complained, but I waved it off. 

"So you say...." I said mysteriously and in a low voice, pretending to sound like one of those deep voiced advertisers you hear on TV. They sighed and I gave her a mock punch on the shoulder, then I turned to leave, but gave a sharp bark, and Kago was by side in an instant. Lucifer then materialized out of my shadow -something that still freaked Deidara out- and gave a VERY SMALL smile, to which I returned with a huge grin. Kago made a whining noise and nosed my hand, and I ruffled his fur, to which -honest to god- he made a purring sound. It was a deep, throaty sound, and it made us all freeze, before dying of laughter, while Kago hid himself behind a huge boulder. I snickered and sighed as I calmed down. Grinning, I waved to them as we made our way out of the base. When we were a decent way away from the base, I howled. It was long, shrill and piercing, and back at the base, I could practically see the Akatsuki smiling. 

----THREE DAYS LATER (spongebob, anyone?)----

"Yo~" I said, appearing in front of the gates of Konoha, and Izumo and Kotetsu were on their guard. 

"Who are you, stare your business." Izumo said, and I face palmed. 

"I'm from the Akatsuki and I'm here to kill the Hokage." I said, and they were instantly on their guard, ready to fight me, and I broke out laughing. 

"Izumo, Kotetsu, you asstards! It's me, Kuroi, dammit, I haven't grown that much in a month, have I?" I said, and they looked at me from head to toe in shock, then they smiled apologetically. 

"Uhh.. Oops?" Kotetsu offered an excuse, but I sighed and waved it away before glomping them in a bone crushing hug. Seriously. I heard some major cracks. They waved goodbye from the gates as I walked in, and the first person I saw was the one and only Pervy Sage. That means................

"NARU-KUN!" I squealed, as a familiar head of blonde hair poked out from behind a ramen bowl. Rounding the corner, I saw that Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Sakura, Kiba, Hinata and Sasuke were there as well, and they all looked up as I screamed Naruto's name. I ran straight to him and glomped him. When I let go, I took a step back to look him over. 

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies (Book 1 of The New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now