|YoonSeok |oneshot

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It was at the time when their promotion for "Run" has just ended. The members finally got a bit free time for themselves.

Jungkook and Jimin even went to their hometown Busan, to pass their rare free time with their families and childhood friends.
While Namjoon took time to meet his mum, Jin hung out more with Ken and Taehyung went to watch a movie with Minjae, his friend which he was on 'Bromance' with.

So it was friday evening, when only Yoongi and Hoseok were home.
Yoongi just took a shower, got his pajamas on and since he had no schedule for a whole week now, you could slightly see a bit of a beard on his chin, which made him look more manlier.

Hoseok sat in the livingroom watching the episode of the show 'Star King' in which he and Taehyung also appeared. When he looked to the door he saw Yoongi, who still had wet hair, and hadn't bothered to put on something warmer.
He was currently in his black t-shirt and black shorts, but yeah... the shorts were kinda too short.
It wasn't Hoseoks purpose, really, but he coudn't help but scan his Hyungs body, with the beautiful natural skin, wet mint coloured hair and his smooth legs.
But even his legs got more hair on it.
Hoseok gulped.
The way Yoongi's appearence was soo smooth but also manly man-like. Today Hoseoks throat was begging for water.
It was in this moment, when Hoseok doubted his sexuality and himself.
All of the sudden his brain screamed one certain word,which he couldn't admit. Thousands of imaginations were running through his mind right now.
Actually he always thought that his Hyung is handsome, but most of the time he just would call him ' cute ' which annoyed Yoongi so much. Damn he couldn't help but he loved to tease his ass.
When Hoseok finally came to his mind after his realization about Yoongis beauty, he was shocked to see his Hyung sitting beside him. Since he got too lost in thoughts, he didn't noticed that Yoongi was talking to him.
Well, that's embarassing.
"...and I was so suprised to see her on tv! She really has apple-like perfect hips! She really has a healthy body too!" Yoongi said while watching the programme.
Hoseok didn't catch all what Yoongi said so without thinking he said "Huh? Sorry I wasn't paying attention.."
Yoongi lookes quite suprised at Hoseok and goes on, "How on earth can you not pay attention to to this girl? Anyways I'm talking about the show", he pointed to the tv, "Here look there, you said you liked her stuff on Facebook and now she's on tv. Isn't she amazing?".
Finally understanding, what Yoongi was talking about, he nodded.
"Yeah .. Uh...of course she's amazing" he answered.
After that Yoongi continued the conversation and about various topics, like the girl with the apple hips, dramas, the song he's working on for the next album, his mixtape, girls generation and a tweet from a fan he read recently.
It caught Hoseoks attention,when he realized how talkactive Yoongi was today. Like normally Hoseok was the one to talk the most when they were alone, but the whole day was kinda weird.
Because Hoseok thought too much, but talked little. He was lost in his thoughts, and currently he was debating with himself to not to enjoy Yoongis voice too much. Like really, it was almost 9pm and Yoongis rusky voice suddenly seemed so attractive to Hoseok. Once again this cerntain word screamed through his mind.

Weird. No, he thought.

"Anyways, you seem to be too lost in your thoughts? Or should I say fantasies about that girl with the apple hips?"
Yoongi smirked and then went on "I'm in my room, if you need me", he smiled to Hoseok and left the livingroom.
Hoseok couldn't help but get comehow dissapointed that the place next to him is empty now. He can't really explain how dreamy, full of thoughts and kind of sensible he is right now.
Of course people do have those bad days, Hoseok can't be always bright and happy even if he really wants to.
But the weird thing is, that this isn't just a dreamy feeling. He feels gloomy and the most important thing, he's yearning for something. For someone.
Hoseok looked out through the window. He let out a small laugh. How pathetic must he look for yearning so much for love that he doesn't even care about gender anymore. And everything just started today.
Okay, actually he thinks that he may be started falling for Yoongi since I need u Era, not sure. He just knows the members too well. No chance that something like mutual love, or something love-like will exist between Yoongi and him.
Hoseok lost in thoughts, the tv still showing some programme.
All of the sudden the tv turned out and.
And then the lights.
Hoseok stayed still for a moment. He wasn't really afraid of the darkness but soon he heard Yoongi rushing to the livingroom.
"Hobi! Are you okay?"
Hoseok could clearly hear the worry in Yoongis voice. Somehow this really made Hoseoks heart flutter. Hoseok heared his Hyungs foot steps coming closer.
He felt bad for not responding Yoongi, but on the other hand he really wanted to know why Yoongi was so worried.
"Hobi? SeokSeok?", Yoongi now spoke, but softer.

Now Hoseok remembered.
It happened one year ago.
The situation kinda was familiar to this one:
The lights went out, Hoseok becomes anxious and Yoongi comforts him.
Back then Yoongi also used to call "SeokSeok".
Hoseok really missed this nickname.
After no reply, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok, and embraced him. Not too tightly, but the perfect little hug to comfort someone.
"Everything is fine, SeokSeok." Yoongi said softly.
Hoseok smiled widely.
And he blushed. He closed his eyes and enjoyed Yoongis closeness and hugged him back.
He literally prayed that the lights won't work for a while.
Just in the darkness, only him and his Hyung.
I hope the light won't-

At this moment all lights turned on and their eyes met each other.

Yoongi blushed immediately.
"Are you...okay?"
Hoseok couldn't speak, he could only think.
It was at this moment,where he has this crazy idea in his mind.

Well, Yoongi thinks I'm still afraid...soo...

Hoseok felt bad. But at the same time he just wanted Yoongi.
"H-Hyung?", he spoke with a tiny voice. Acting was Hoseoks thing for sure.
"Yes, Hobi? Do you need water?" Yoongi asked,putting his right hand to Hoseoks shoulder while asking.
"Hyung, I'm.... sleepy..."
He sounded very dreamy and pure, but of coure it was all part of Hoseoks act.
Yoongi smiled and responded, "Well SeokSeok, then you shoul go to sleep. Come here I bring you to your bed."
Yoongi stood up with Hoseok and linked his arms him to support Hoseok.
Before they could go syraight to Hoseoks room, he spoke.
"H-Hyung...I don't think i can sleep alone..tonight.."
Yoongi hesitated to answer. After thinking for a few seconds, he then responded
"Well Jin Hyung isn't here anyways, you can sleep on his bed."

It was 10pm now, but Hoseok coudn't sleep.
Yoongi was on his phone, and the screen of it was the only light source in the room.
Yoongi probably thought, that Hoseok fell asleep long time ago, but this wasn't the case.
Hoseok wouldn't give up so easy.
Today he totally witnessed Yoongis caring and affectionate side, and he wanted more.
Hoseok was a great actor and his next idea was brilliant.
He wanted to act like a person-who-woke-up-from-a-nightmare.
Step 1: let out an small whimper so people know, you are not dreaming well.
It caught Yoongis attention,he literally feeled his glances
Step 2: move a bit, as example, you want to run away from something.
Now the older one looked a bit more worried over to Hoseoks direction.
Step 3:sit up straight and let out a whimper

And soon Yoongi rushed over to Hoseok.
"SeokSeok? Everythings okay? You had a bad dream,huh?" Yoongis left hand was on Hoseoks shoulder, while his right hand rested on Hoseoks lap.

"Hyung...water..", Hoseok said with a small lost voice, which would cause everyone want to help him.
Yoongi rushed to the kitched and came back with a glass of water.
He gave it to Hoseok, and younger one drank it.
"Thank you, Hyung."
"No problem, SeokSeok".
Yoongi still using this nickname, he put his hand to Hoseok head and stroke his hair softly.
"I'm here okay? Tell me if you need anything."
Yoongi was about to go to his bed, when suddenly Hoseok took a held on Yoongis shirt.
"Hyung.. Can't we sleep together?"
Hoseok asked in the nicest and purest voice he could.
Yes, he acted. And yes other people would consider him as pathetic. But Hoseok really needed Yoongis touch now.
He didn't even want this all to be sexual. All he wanted was just Yoongis embrace.
Hoseok expected a 'No', and he was ready for it.
Damn they were two boys. Two rappers. Like usually Yoongi doesn't even show his affectionate side.
I'm literally stupid for asking-
"Uhmm...if ut makes you feel better.... I think I kinda... do it or something...".
Hoseok was baffed. And also he hid his smile, which was definitely because of Yoongis awkwardness in this one.
"Thank you very much, Hyung"

With this, Hoseok did get what he wanted.
A overprotective Yoongi, which had wrapped his hands careful over Hoseok. Both under one blanket.
Hoseok just acted all fragile and used Yoongi for himself. But he couldn't care less.
He was happy

And so was Yoongi, secretley.

The next morning

Jin came back to the dorm, after sleeping over by Ken.
"The Beauty is home ~, anyone here?"
He looked around in the dorm, when he finally went to his room and-

"Why are they sleeping together.....


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