Sting x Reader - Temporary Bliss

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Sorry this took so long, I've been super busy with school,

This is a song fic, and it's going to have a bit of a sad ending, so sorry.

I quite liked the idea, so I hope you do too.

The song is Temporary Bliss by The Cab.


I come over, quarter past two
Love in my eyes
Blinded by you

You were currently sat in the guild hall, the time was currently 19:30.

You had been there since quarter past two in the afternoon, sat at the bar, almost drinking water the remaining alcohol in the guild.

"It'll take five minutes" he said, five hours before.

It was taking everything you had not to leave.

You loved the thought of love, falling in love was like a dream for you, and when you discovered that the one and only Sting Eucliffe returned your love, you were star struck.

The entire thought of love now, was unappealing, like pouring vinegar into a fresh cut.

You hated love, because of him

Just to get a taste of heaven,
I'm on my knees
I can't help it
I'm addicted

You were currently sat at home, you and Sting had fallen out yet again, you were cooling off in your room, looking back through some old pictures.

You missed him, you craved his touch, his lips, his goofy grin, his loving gaze, everything that made Sting himself.

But I can't stand the pain inflicted
In the morning you're not holding on to me.

You were sobbing, crying all your tears away, this fallout was worse than the last, Sting had stormed off in rage, it was hard to figure him out.

Sure, you loved him, but it was like he only wanted you in bed.

This wasn't love, you were sure of it,

You didn't know what love was anymore.

Tell me what's the point of doing this every night
What you're giving me is nothing but a heartless lullaby
Gonna kill my dreams, oh

"Sting" you gasped, flustered, as he kissed up and down your neck.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, connecting his lips with yours.

This was fairly regular, you'd argue in the morning, he'd storm off and go to the guild, he'd come back and make it up to you with intimacy.

You knew this wasn't right, but you enjoyed it, you loved the attention he would give to you.

You were glad that it wasn't more arguing.

Somewhere in your brain, you felt used, like a toy, like he was just using you for his pleasure, but you pushed those thoughts away for now, and enjoyed your time with the man in front of you.

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