“We didn’t gang up on you!”

“The hell you didn’t! You all want to make me feel guilty for having my own mind and being able to make my own decisions while you all choose just to sit in ignorance because it is what is easiest for you!”

“Zariah what are you talking about?! What is it that we don’t know?!” He roared back and I chuckled humorlessly shaking my head as I looked to my father once more locking eyes with him.

“That’s the sad part. None of you can even see what is right in front of you!” I said as I pushed past him now, storming down the hall. I was determined to check the living room once more to see if somehow I had missed something but my father’s words stopped me cold.

“If you’re searching for Aidan he is already gone!”

Freezing to my spot I felt my heart seize in my chest and drop to the pit of my stomach as I turned back to face my furious father once more.

“What do you mean he is already gone?” I murmured shaking my head in confusion.

“He took off early this morning. He crossed the trackers at the border in wolf form heading in the direction of rogues territory.”

“You’re lying!” I said shaking my head as I felt my gut clench and knot up as I felt my chest begin to ache and throb at the sincerity behind my father’s words. It was the only thing that made sense. Why his bed had been untouched, why his scent had already begun fading, why there was no note or anything left behind.

“Why would I lie about this? He finally had enough and decided to try it on his own. It was his choice Zariah none of us made him leave.”

I snarled at that turning on me heel and giving my father my back once more as I stalked toward the front door. A hand caught me by the upper arm and jerked my back to face him.

“What the hell are you doing Zariah?! What has gotten into you?!”

“I’m sorry dad, I really am, but I can’t explain this now.” I pleaded as my wolf whined and whimpered at the thought of out mate abandoning us. Aidan had actually left. He had up and ran and left me behind without word or thought, but that was something that I couldn’t live with. He was my mate dammit! I had been taking care of him for to long for me to just let him walk away from me now!

“I’m with Sabian. I am getting really tired of hearing that Zariah. I am your father I deserve some kind of an answer.”

“And I’ll give you one. All of you one. But there is something that I have to take care of so please just listen to me and let me go. I have to go; he won’t survive out there on his own.”

“Zariah-“ He began but I had had enough talk. I had asked him nicely and at this point I wasn’t going to again. I had to find Aidan whether he approved or not. Tearing out of his grasp I allowed myself to shift and sprint through the front door that had been left open between our arguing.

-******************************* 2 Weeks Later ******************************

Dropping onto the ground below me I let out a deep breath that edged on a whine as I scanned my surroundings once more. In the two weeks I had been managing to track Aidan I hadn’t once come close enough to actually see him. For the last two weeks he had been managing to dodge my every attempt to get him cornered and at this point it was taking its toll on me. I was exhausted, physically and mentally. I knew that he had to be as well, and from the scent of things I knew he had to be injured as well because though the scent of blood was faint in most cases it was still there. It made me all the more desperate to find him. Yes I was exhausted, but above all I missed my mate. It felt like it had been centuries since I had last heard him laugh, seen his smile or his eyes, and even longer since I had actually got to feel his skin against mine.  The separation was miserable because by all means we were fully mated in werewolf terms; the only thing he didn’t bear was my mark that would keep us from being able to be separated even in death.

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