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I was playing 'Nyan Cat; lost in space'. It's such a fun game. You can take care of an own Nyan cat and dress him up and feed him and anything and change the room. You can also do the minigames. You can draw your own Nyan cat to play with! And guess, I drew Ruka! Also Sanne but it failed. I'm playing games with him! It's so awesome but I'm bad at it. #PRO_GAMER. Yeah, that's me! I'm only good at ONE game; all games of The Legend Of Zelda! Damn I love those! And Link is sooo damn hot! I hate dark link but that's just because his pervert behavior. Damn, if you wanna surprise me with something, it's the legend of Zelda. Why else would I cheat on LJ with BEN? Oh, yeah. Shit I may not tell. I LOVE YOU LJ. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! But still, read my other books also! If you like this shit, you'll surely like those too!!!


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