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Damn I did long about this... I started in school. Now it's exactly 1 AM. I laughed my ass off with this pic and damn it's so true! I love it. Maybe it's a bit unclear on your phone/computer, whatever your using to read, here's the lyrics;

*Arianna: so, let's start by talking about the emotions you guys are feeling right now.
*LeAnn: stabbing.
*Arianna: stabbing isn't really an emotion.
*it's more of an activity that I hope you don't do to me.
*see, an emotion is more of a feeling.
*LeAnn: well, maybe, I feel stabby.

I hope you guys like it. Please read also one of my other books! And the important thing, LIKE!!!


Arianna's awesome artNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ