Jared - act 2

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I look at the person in front of me, with eyes ready to kill

He let's go of the arrow. Then things went into slow motion; he breathes in air and exhales as he lets go of the arrow, the arrow then speeds-in towards my direction, I close my eyes. Then I feel it hit, something falls behind me. I look back and see one of the students with blood all over his body and an arrow stuck to his head.  

Marko comes in from the window; stares at us for a moment, then immediately runs towards the open door and locks it. I look at the person with the bow, he walks slowly towards me and lays a hand on my shoulder, "That was close; he was this close to biting you. I saw what happens when one of them bites another and it would not end well for you my friend if it did." 

Alice and Cybil come in at that moment. I turned around and asked them what took them so long, "I had to do something with my brother; I couldn't just leave him like that.” she replies.  

Alice sees the dead body and at that point Cybil puts her hand on Alice's mouth. "Shh, they'll hear us." Alice nods as Cybil takes her hand off. She bites her lower lip and tip toes over the dead body. She clamped her hand into mine and whispers that we should do something about the body. She was right; we can't just leave it there to rot as we rested here. So Leo took the arrow out from his head, I and Marko then carried it and threw it outside the window. The moment he hit the ground, blood splashed out of his head. Then after a few seconds a horde of students came in and ate what's left of him.  

I turn to face Leo and asked him what was he doing here and where has he been. He shrugs and says it's a long story. Cybil then interrupts, "What we should be doing right now is to find a way to get out of here, we can't just stay here." She was right. We can't stay here much longer, if one of them finds us; were all dead

Then Leo speaks, "Okay, so I came here while the infection was still far from this area to look for you guys. I have a vehicle downstairs, it's my dad's and it’s very, uhm, useful. All we need is to lay low and get to the car. I've brought here some weapons for you guys." He gets his bag and opens it; he then takes out some metal stick. It's a telescopic katana. He presses a button and swings it sideward’s, the whole thing extended. "It's locks itself, so you can thrust. Plus it is spring mechanized so just push the button" he presses the button again and immediately the whole thing shortens, "for you; I have a standard 9mm pistol with two extra magazines. I have more at the car." Marko checks it out and smiles, "Alice and Cybil you two stay at the middle, we'll be forming a triangle. I will be at the front, Marko beside me, and Jared at the back. Marko, don't use the gun as much as possible. It's too loud."  

I interrupted, "Wait! What is all this, where did you get this, and how did you know what's going on!?" He replies, "I told you, it's a long story. I'll tell you when we get to the safe house. Now let’s move." 

We get into position and at the corner came the first target for Leo, in a split second the person is down. We continue forward. We had to pass through the different corridors and hallways; we had to walk slowly and quietly.  

As we were slowly treading the class halls, my phone rings! Everyone looks at me, I took my phone out; it was my alarm. We stopped for a moment, waiting for something. Clear, so we continue on. Suddenly the janitor's closet bursts open! Mr. Norman comes out; he looks at us with half of his face bitten-off. He suddenly growls like they all do before rushing towards me. I struggled to get the metal stick out from my pocket and started winging it, "Push the button!" Leo screamed I pushed the button as Mr. Norman reached towards me; the blade extended and went straight through his eye socket. Blood spurted out like a fountain. "Don't ever get the blood anywhere inside your body!" Leo screamed.  

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