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*Bzzzt Bzzzzzt Bzzzt*

My alarm went off, I checked my watch. Damn I've been sleeping for nearly thirty minutes already. I look up, the teacher's till babbling up there, and the topic is still boring. I have to get out of here.

I raised my hand, "Yes, Mr. Wayne".

"Ma'am, do we have a test today?" 

She said no. I immediately took my bag and went out.

Okay, that may look bad, but she actually allows me to leave the room as long as I know the lesson. I don't really learn much by listening, I learn more if I studied it myself and since I pretty much "Ace" all the tests she gives me. So I am allowed to leave anytime I want.

So I picked up my bag and left the room, I went straight to my "Special place", the rooftop. I find the rooftop quiet, breezy and there's just something about that place that makes me feel at ease.

So I opened the door and guess who are up there on my spot.

"Hey Christian, could you and your gang find someplace else to hang out." Christian is one of my classmates who NEVER go into class, he and his gang usually cuts classes just to mess-up their lives.

Hey, I cut class, because I know the lessons and I'm a "Straight A" student, but they just cut to goof-off and do "bad stuff".

"No! This is our spot now, bitch. Now get lost asshole". I was starting to get irritated now.

"Okay fine, why don't we all just hangout here? The rooftop is big enough for all of us."

"Whatever, cock face." Adrian murmured.

Great, now I'm here in my favorite spot, with some jerks. I wonder how this day will end for me.

I walked to the southern part of the rooftop to check if a friend of mine is there; nope, just the target board that hasn't been used in days, so I went back to my spot.

I'm listening to some music when I got a little bit curious; so I stopped the song, but kept the earphones on so I can hear them.

Their conversation went like this:

Max: Hey guys, on the way to school I passed by this fucking dog, it looked like shit.

Adrian: So how fucked up was it?

Max: The little fucker was covered in blood, man.

Christian: So what the fuck happened?

Max: The little shit bit me!

Everyone gasps; I think Max showed his wound.

I took my earphones off and told Max, "Hey, you should get that bite checked out, you might get rabies.", he retorted, "Listen here you chicken shit, see my dad's a vet and I get rabies shots with him, so I don't get rabies" Everyone laughs and praises him.

He then took some "weed" out from his pocket, put it on some paper, rolled the paper, and started smoking.

"Whatever", I checked my watch. Great, it's already time for the next period. I stood up, picked my stuff and headed out to the door.

As I was standing up, I saw Max take another sip and then started coughing; he kept on coughing for a while. Then Adrian spoke, "Hey dude, you got to let off the weed for a while man." He gave the weed to Adrian and sat down.

I started picking my books up, suddenly Chris screamed, "What the fuck man!? Get off me!"

When I turned around, Max was hugging Christian tightly, the group kept on laughing. Adrian said something and the group laughed even louder. I headed to the door on the other side, I can still hear their laughter, then Chris made another scream, then quietness.

Club ZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora