In My Shoes

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What gets me is people
Who have no idea
What my everyday
Life is like
Yet they judge

They support
To a degree
Unless things aren't
How they would do them

How do you know
What's going on with me
Have you walked
In my shoes

Her parents set up a fund
Yet she goes out
Why is she asking for
Yet she goes and spends

I have all these bills
A family
I work
She doesn't

I'm saving each cent
But she has the audacity
To go out
She must be greedy

My parents pay
For everything
I don't have a penny
To my name
And they push me
Out of the house

You wouldn't have a clue
Because you haven't walked
In my shoes

May have something to do
With the fact that I was
Bedridden for 2 years
And continue to fight
Every day

I'm catching up
With life
Take for granted

I thank G-d for
Every breath
Every step
Every new victory
Every single day
More then once

Do you?
So don't sit
There and think
You understand
You haven't a clue

Either be a friend
Or don't be
But don't judge me
Until and only until
You walk a mile
In my shoes


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