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The colors

The feel of them

Against your skin

Some serious

Others fun

For all four seasons


Make you who you are

On the outside

The perception

For business or pleasure

Clothes change you

As you get older

Fashion becomes different

New trends are born

Taste also undergoes transformation

Sometimes just sometimes

Depending on what life throws at you

You can toss those threads away

Or give them to Goodwill

Because some of those things

You just can't look at anymore

Because they don't fit

And because you're a different person

Closet space is a factor

Change is a must

Especially if one has gone through

A life altering experience


Never used to like shiny things to wear

Now since last year

Post August 1st of course

A lot of my new wardrobe

Is sparkly or shiny

Not obnoxiously so

But just enough to lift the mood

The spirit

The soul

I threw out and continue to chuck

A lot of my clothes toward the needy

Because I'm a different person

And I need things that I can love

Without memories


And cringing

As well as feeling

Like the person I have become


New clothes

Help in the reviving

Of the inner happiness

And just how important is that?

Rebirth (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now