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(10 Years Later)
"Mom!" Adrianna yelled from upstairs.
"Yes?" I called back.
"Tell Pierce to give me my phone!" She sounded irritated "I'm trying to talk to Lucas!"
Lucas was her boyfriend. I don't think they're mates, but she likes him. They won't be able to tell until they're 16 next year.

"Pierce!" I yelled "give her back her phone!"
I heard a yes mommy and then Addy's door shut. Pierce came running down the steps and jumped onto my lap.
"Heyy. Woww. Careful. Baby Cira remember?" I said, rubbing my round tummy. He smiled and nodded.
I'm two months pregnant with Cira Olivia Thomas. Pierce is excited and Addy is too. She knows she isn't my real child but she still treats me as if I'm her real mother. And I still treat her as if she's my birth daughter. Life is good right now.
"Kaiya!" Darren called, walking in the front door "I have a surprise for you all!" At the sound of the word 'surprise' the kids came running.
I giggled and Darren sat a bag on the couch. He reached in and pulled out a box. He read the name and handed it to Addy. Then the next he handed to Pierce. Then the last to me. Addy opened her box and squealed. There was a baby blue, two halved dress. It had sequins up top and was tight fitted. It was stunning. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Addy squealed hugging him and running up the steps to try the dress on.
I laughed at her and Pierce opened his. It was a tux. It was black with blue bow tie the same color as her dress. He thanked Darren and ran to his room to try it on.
Darren smiled at me and nodded for me to open mine. I opened it and it was a puffy dress that would fit over my pregnant belly. It was black up top with a sparkly belt and white at the bottom. I hugged him and he picked me up, spinning me around.
"Party is in two hours." He said as
I went upstairs to help Addy get ready.
I opened her door and she was looking in the mirror. I smiled and walked over to her.
"Your party is in two hours. Let's start getting you ready."

Two hours later I had curled her hair, did her make up and got her all dressed. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. We went down to the party and had fun.

After the party I was saying goodnight to her when she hugged me.
"Thank you mom. For everything. I love you. So much. Even though you didn't give birth to me you are still my mom. And always will be. I couldn't ask for better parents. So thank you. For keeping me. For taking care of me. For just being here for me. Thank you for being my mom." She sniffled. I was crying happy tears and Darren came into the room with Pierce they both joined the hug and I had never been happier. This is my family. Something I once thought I would never have. But now that I do, I'm never letting go.

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