Chapter 20

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"Thank you all for coming." Darren's voice boomed. "We shave decided to leave. I have been away from my pack too long and there is now another threat. The Vampire Queen, Trisha, wants Addy. If she gets her she will drink her blood and become unstoppable. She wants to rule the supernatural world. We cannot let that happen. She is evil. We must stop her. We are going back to my territory. Since you all no longer have an Alpha or Luna, you can join the White Crescent Pack or go rogue. So, for the people who are with me, pack your bags and meet me out front with your cars in 2 hours." He walked off the stage and everyone dispersed.
I was in Addy's room packing her stuff when I heard glass shatter and addy scream downstairs. I got up and raced down the steps. There was a vampire going towards addy who was in the corner of the kitchen. I lunged for the vampire, landing on top of him. I punched hi and he kicked me off I put a wall of water around Addy and turned to the vampire. He ran at me and I shot fire at him. He screamed as it made contact with his skin. I put a wall of fire around him and mind linked Darren.
I grabbed the wooden chair and broke a leg off of it. I let the wall down and he immediately ran at me. He tackled me and I kicked him off, jumping on top and driving the stake through his heart. Darren ran into the house as the vampire caught fire and died.
I ran to Addy and dropped the water wall. She jumped into my arms and sobbed into my shoulder.
"Shhhh. It's okay" I murmured into her ear "it's okay. I've got you."
I carried her back upstairs with me while Darren went to make sure there weren't anymore vampires. I walked into her room and sat in the rocking chair, holding her close.
After an hour she was sound asleep and I had laid her back in bed while I finished packing her stuff, and mine and Darren's stuff. Darren came back and helped bring everything to the car. Darius is taking my motorcycle. I want to be with Addy. I got in the front seat and let Addy sit on my lap. I was looking at her and just now noticed how big she had gotten. I've hardly been around, always pushing her onto Julianna. I need to take better care of her. She is my child now. I need to act like the mother she needs.
"She's gotten so big. She's grown so much. Her hair is so long and her eyes are so blue and she's just grown more than I've realized." I said.
"She has" he nodded "it is not your fault you haven't been here much. There has been a lot going on."
"I know." I nodded.

We arrived at our territory and all of my pack was waiting there. I picked up Addy and got out of the car. My pack greeted us and we all went into the pack house. I carried Addy up to our room and laid her on our bed.
Pack meeting. Out front. 10 mins. Darren sent through the pack link. I woke Addy up and got her dressed in navy blue shorts and a yellow tank top. I put on my black shorts and a teal crop top with a black heart. I picked Addy up and went out front and stood next to Darren.
"Thank you for coming. We have 54 new pack members that we will welcome tomorrow night. And this" he gestured to Addy "is Adrianna. She is important. The vampires want her. I their queen, Trisha, gets her she will become unstoppable and we cannot let that happen. She wants to rule the supernatural world. And with Addy's blood, she can. Addy belongs to us, so it will not happen. We will have to go to war with the vampires. But we will protect her. She is our daughter now. Do not question it. Just know that she is ours." There was a chorus of yes alphas and everyone was dismissed.

That night after I put Addy to sleep I was taking a shower and Darren decided to join. And, well, there wasn't much showering done.

"Hey. Princess. Wake up." Darren shook me.
"Ugh. I don't wanna." I groaned.
"Mommy! Time to wakes up!" Addy yelled. I rolled out of bed and she jumped into my arms.
"Hey baby. How's it going."
"I'm good mommy. Just hungry."
"Well then, we'll have to get some food in you, huh?" She nodded happily an we went downstairs.
After we ate breakfast the girls came over and we told the boys we were going shopping.
There is a town 10 minutes where only werewolves reside. That is where we are now. Addy barely has clothes that fit her anymore so we are getting her more. We are getting things to decorate her new room too.
"This one!" Ariel yelled, holding up a navy blue dress with a yellow ribbon around the waist. We put it in the cart with the rest of the clothes and kept shopping. By the time we were done we had a trunk full of clothes for Addy and a new bed with mint green and light pink paint.
We got home and the boys unloaded all of the stuff and took them up to the room that will soon be Addy's.
After setting up Addy's room I put her to bed and went to my room, crawling into bed and falling fast asleep in Darren's arms.

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