Chapter 12

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Julianna's POV
From the minute I saw him I knew he was mine.
Zac said his name and it was music to my ears.
Layton. He's my second chance mate.
I hadn't told anyone but I found my mate last year. He was a beta, but he had a girlfriend already. He rejected me, telling me I wasn't good enough.
Layton's going to do the same. I'm not good enough for anyone.
After we left the meeting I tried to avoid him, hoping he wouldn't notice me.
But he already knew I was there.
He was looking around when he saw me.
We made eye contact and I turned, running into the woods.
I could hear his footsteps behind me when I tripped.
I fell forward, expecting to hit the ground, but I felt sparks around my waist as his arm wrapped around me.
"Mine." He said, pulling me to him.
"Why are you crying mate?" He asked.
I looked up at him as tears spilled down my face.
"If you're going to reject me. Please do it fast." I whispered.
"Why would I reject you? You're beautiful."
"The last one did." I whispered. He growled at this.
"I'm your mate! I'll kill him!" He snarled.
"No. He rejected me. He told me I wasn't good enough. He said I'd never be as good as his girlfriend." I cried as I felt the pain all over again.
"Come here." He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. "You are mine. No one will ever change that. I'm keeping you. You are beautiful and better than any girl I have ever laid eyes on." He assured me.
I nodded and snuggled into his chest as he carried me to the guest house.
I have my mate.
12:00 The Next Day
Kaiya's POV
"Ok! Everyone do 200 push ups. Then 200 sit-ups. Then we'll do 8 laps. We are doubling everything. Now. Get started." I got down and finished my sit-ups and push ups before them and then I ran my laps.
By the time I was finished half were doing sit-ups and the other others were running.
"Julianna!" I called, waving her over.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"We need to show them a proper fight. Go get the boys." I said.
"Okay." She said.
As she ran away all the girls finished up and got their drinks. Julianna came back with all the boys and everyone gathered around me.
"Ok boys." I looked Darius and Hunter. "I need one of you up here."
They both looked at each other nervously.
"Like some time today." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. I'll do it. I am the strongest out of us two." Hunter stepped towards me.
I called everyone's attention and they gathered around us.
We decided to fight in human form because everyone here knew how to fight in wolf form. They thought that was the only important thing they needed to know because their wolves were stronger.
"Watch and take notes." I said. "Someone hold him." I pointed at Darren.
Darius and Layton grabbed him as Hunter made the first move.
He lunged at me and I stepped to the side.
When he got close enough I swung my leg and kicked him in the side. He tried to cover his left side, leaving his stomach open. I punched him in the stomach and he retaliated by swiping my feet out from under me.
He went to jump on me and I lifted my legs, kicking him in the stomach, sending him flying.
I got up, jumped on him and tried to pin him.
He took my arms and flipped me behind him.
We both jumped up and I kicked him in the stomach before he had time to recover.
He doubled over, holding his stomach.
I brought my knee up and hit him in the face.
He fell back and I pinned him down.
Darius counted to 5 and I had won. I helped Hunter up and they let go of Darren. He ran over and pulled me to him.
"It's okay Darren. I'm okay." I whispered to him.
He slowly let go and checked me over, nodding in approval. He pulled me to his side and put his arm around me.
I looked over the crowd at all the stunned faces. But there was one that stood out.
Zac. He was pissed. I'm not sure if it was because of Hunter hitting me or Darren holding me, but I didn't care.
I dismissed everyone and walked back to the house to take a shower.

When I got out I opened the door to see Darren sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.
I tried to walk silently to the closet, but he heard me and looked over. His eyes turned black with lust as he looked at me.
He closed his eyes and turned away.
"Get dressed." He said, sounding upset.
I silently walked to the closet and shut the door. I put on a pair of black sweatpants with a white v-neck.
I slid down the wall and let the tears roll down my cheeks. He doesn't want me. He turned away. I made him mad. I'm a horrible mate. He's going to leave. I knew I would eventually push him away.
"Kaiya." he knocked softly. "Hey. Open the door. I can feel your sadness through the bond." I just sat there silently.
"I'm coming in." He said, opening the door slowly.
When he saw me he came over and sat down, pulling me into his lap.
"Hey. What's wrong?" He asked.
"You turned away." I whispered. "You sounded upset. I'm sorry."
He looked down at me and shook his head.
"Kaiya." He said. "I turned away to calm down. I didn't think you wanted that. I'm sorry."
"What do you say we take a walk?" He asked.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled, wiping my tears away. I slipped on my black vans and ran downstairs with him.

We were walking for about 30 minutes when I smelt something terrible.
I walked around a bush and screamed.
There was a baby in a basket with a dead woman laying next to it.
Darren quickly pulled me to him and hid my face as he contacted Zac. 
A few men from Zac's pack came and took the body away as Darren talked to Zac.
I walked over to the basket and picked up the baby
She smiled up at me and I looked at Zac.
"I'll take her home." I said.
Darren looked at me and nodded.
"Okay." Zac nodded.
I picked up her basket and walked home while Darren finished sorting everything out.

When I got home I set the basket down and picked her up.
As I lifted her up I saw a piece of paper sticking out of her blanket.
I took it out and put her back down.
I opened the envelope and two pieces of paper fell out.
I opened the first and read it.
To whomever is reading this,
The hunters did this. They said they would spare my babies life. Her name is Adrianna. She is only 5 months old.
She was born August 17. Please. Take care of her. She is special. Thank you so much. I am deeply sorry to do this to you.
-Lilianna Morris
I put the note down and looked at Adrianna.
"I'll take care of you baby. Don't worry." I whispered to her.
I picked up the second one and the front had my name on it.
I took a deep breath before opening it.
Dear, Kaiya
Sweet, sweet Kaiya. We have been studying you for some time now. You will belong to us eventually. I promise. Don't worry. We can kill Darren so he won't feel much pain.
I read the note a second time and growled.
"What are you growling about?" Darren asked as he walked in.
"There's notes." I said, looking at him.
"Give them to me."
I handed them both to him and leaned against him.
After he read it he growled and pulled me close.
"You are mine. Only mine." He said, kissing me.
I smiled and rested my head on his chest.
Then the baby started crying.
I pulled away and picked her up, rocking her back to sleep.

"So what do you want to do?" Darren asked me as I stacked pillows around Adrianna, trying to make sure she wouldn't roll off of the couch.
"What do you mean?" I asked. 
"About The kid." He gestured towards Adrianna. "Are we keeping her? Or giving her to Zac to deal with?"
"Are you okay with us keeping her?" I asked, looking up at him.
"If it makes you happy then of course." He nodded.
"We'll have to go get stuff if we keep her." I said as we laid down.
"Well then its settled. Tomorrow we'll go shopping and the kid will stay."
I smiled and nodded, kissing him on the cheek.
"Thank you Darren." I whispered.
"Anything to see you smile."

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