Chapter 22

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1 Month Later
"Luna! Alpha! We're under attack!" A warrior came bursting into our room.
I jumped out of bed as Darren got up.
Yesterday we found out the baby is a boy. I'm now only a month away from giving birth. 
I ran into Addy's room and scooped her up, running to Darren's office where the secret tunnels were located. I put my fingerprint on the pad behind a picture frame and watched The bookcase flipped, revealing the tunnel. I ran in and it shut behind me as I ran down the tunnels. Addy was whimpering and snuggled up to my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and ran even faster. After a few minutes I reached the end of the hall and typed in the password, opening the door. I ran inside and shut the door behind me. I looked around at all of the women who can't fight and children who are too young. They all looked at me and I nodded at them. I went to the far back corner and sat down, pulling Addy close to me.

Darren's POV
As I fought off the wolves all I could think about was protecting my beautiful mate and child. I fought off wolf after wolf, snapping their necks until they stopped. I shifted as their Alpha came up to me looking furious.
I looked around at all the dead wolves, there was a total of 20
left standing and none of my pack had been hurt.
"Surrender or I will kill the rest." I threatened.
"Never." He lunged at me. I quickly reached out and grabbed him by the neck, slamming him onto the ground. I growled and snapped his neck.
My pack had finished off the rest of them and I stood up.
The war was over. We won.

I ran into the safe room and Kaiya jumped up, running into my arms.
"They're gone Princess. We're safe." I mumbled.
She sobbed into my shoulder and I held her tight, whispering soothing words I her. She pulled back and looked me over making sure I was alright.
Addy came running over and jumped into my arms.
"Hey sweetheart. It's all okay now. No more bad people." I whispered as she clung to me.

One Month Later
Kaiya's POV
I woke up in Darren's arms and snuggled closer to him.
This past month has gone past quickly. We got the nursery all prepared and the baby is due any day now.
We painted the walls baby blue and put down carpet. He has a white crib and a white dresser and a rocking chair in there.
I went to get up to get food when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I bent over, clutching the bed post.
"Darren." I whimpered. He shot up an jumped out of bed.
"Hey Princess. What's wrong." He asked, helping me stand straight.
"My stomach. It hu-" I was cut off when I felt water running down my leg.
I looked at him with wide eyes. "My water broke." I whispered.
He mind linked Melody, grabbed my overnight bag and picked me up, running to the car. Julianna followed us to the pack hospital with Addy.

When we got there he picked me up and ran inside. They already had my room ready and he put me on the bed. Holding my hand and letting the doctors do their job.

2 Hours Later
"I am going to kill you Darren!" I yelled. "Of it weren't for your little swimmer we wouldn't be here!"
"Ok Luna. I need you to push. One last time." The doctor spoke. I pushed as hard as I could and I heard my baby's cries.
I tried to catch my breath as Darren smiled softly.
They cleaned him off and handed him to me. I smiled at him and he gave me a little baby smile. Darren laughed and they brought everyone in. After everyone took turns holding him Darren and I told them the name we decided on.
"Pierce Andrew Thomas" I said proudly. Everyone smiled and Melody cooed at him.
Addy walked up and climbed up on the bed.
"Hello Pierce" she said to him "I Addy. I yours big sister. Don't worry. I will protects you." She held her finger up and he wrapped his hand around it.
I didn't realize I was crying until Darren wiped the stray tear off of my cheek. I looked up at him and smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too Princess."
I looked back down at my children and I have never been happier than I was in that moment.

1 Week Later
I was in my room getting ready for bed when I heard Pierces door open through the baby monitor. I picked it up and heard Addy's voice.
"Hey Pierce. It's Addy. I just wants to check on you." She sighed "I'm happy you're my baby brother. I'll always protects you. No matter what. Like daddy protects mommy alls the time. Well. Goodnight Pierce. Have sweets dream." I heard a kissing noise and then the door opened and closed. I wiped the stray tear that fell down my cheek as Darren came out of the bathroom, pulling me close and snuggling into bed. I sighed in content and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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