Chapter 14

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2 Months Later
We've been home for about 2 months now and everyone was getting better at training. I think we actually stand a chance.
I looked at everyone as they practiced, walking around.
"Joseph! Look. You're letting your guard down. Always remain aware." I said, pointing at his mistake.
He nodded and fixed it. I smiled and kept walking.
I stopped as the wind blew, bringing in the scent of humans.
I growled and everyone stopped what they were doing. They all sniffed the air and looked around.
"Be ready!" I yelled across the field.
Darren. I sent through our mind link. They're here.
Darren had left about 10 minutes ago. He had pack stuff and I told him I'd be fine.
Get all the kids and untrained fighters in the safe house! NOW! I yelled into the packs mind link.

Then about 150 people with weapons bursted through the woods, shooting at us. Everyone started fighting and I heard a howl from the pack house.
I immediately turned and ran in that direction.
When I got there I saw 5 hunters surrounding something. I extended my claws and grabbed one by the neck, throwing him out of my way.
I looked and saw three little kids huddled together crying. I let out a ferocious growl and the hunters looked at me as I jumped in front of the children and put up a force field.
A look of recognition crossed their faces and one guy smirked.
"Oh look. We have the chosen one." He laughed "this is gonna be easier than I thought." His buddies nodded and I growled.
When I say now, I want you three to run inside the pack house. I told the kids through the mind link. They all said okay.
1. 2. 3. NOW!
They all took off running and I made the force field go with them, leaving me unguarded. I looked at the two hunters and imagined them flying backwards. They both yelled as they flew through the air, landing on top of another hunter.
I put the force field around the pack house, noticing a few hunters trying to get inside.
There was a loud bang from the right and a burning pain shot through my side.
I looked over at the guy who had shot me.
I ignored the pain and ran over, jumping on top of him. I grabbed his throat and slammed him on the ground. He started to get blurry and I felt the silver from the bullet start kicking in. I quickly ripped his throat out and tried to get up, only to fall back down.
Darren, I need you I whimpered through our mind link.
I'm coming Kaiya. Hold on. Please hang on.  I heard him say as I slowly faded away.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital.
I felt something holding onto my hand and I looked down.
Darren was sitting there with his head on the bed. He had bags under his eyes and he looked terrible. How long was I out?
He sat up and looked at me, jumping up when he saw I was awake.
"Kaiya." He said. "Never do that again. I missed you so much. Longest 2 weeks of my life." He mumbled the last part.
"2 weeks?" I shot up, gasping at the pain that shot through my side.
"Be careful!" He said, helping me lay back down. "They shot you with a silver bullet."
I nodded. That explains why I was out for so long.
"Darren?" He looked up at me. "When was the last time you actually slept for a full night?"
"2 weeks ago.." He muttered. My eyes got wide and I instantly started scooting over.
I patted the bed next to me and he shook his head.
"No, Kaiya. I don't want to hurt you." He said.
"Darren, it's hurting me more being away from you. Lay with me." I pleaded.
He nodded and slowly got in bed next to me. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked around.
"The nurse payed a visit. We can leave whenever you want." Darren said as I looked up at him.
I nodded and slowly started getting up. Darren jumped up and helped me stand. He led me to the bathroom and handed me some clothes.
"Need any help?" He asked with a smirk.
"You wish." I said while shutting the door on his face.
I heard him groan and I laughed.
I looked in the mirror and almost screamed.
My hair was all over the place and I was really pale. I looked dead.
I got dressed in the sweatpants and shirt and splashed some water on my face. I forced my hair into a ponytail and walked out where Darren was waiting. He signed me out and took me back to the house.

We were walking to the front door when he stopped and carefully picked me up.
"I don't want them to hurt you when we go in." He said, referring to Hunter, Darius, and Julianna. "They've all been worried. Last I was here they decided to sleep in the living room together to wait for you to come home."
I nodded and smiled as he opened the door.
"Kaiya!" I heard them all yell followed by their footsteps.
"Be careful." Darren said as they all stopped.
"We missed you." Julianna said.
"Especially the little one." Hunter said, holding Adrianna.
She smiled and clapped her hands. I giggled as Darren put me down and I carefully took her from Hunter.
"Hey sweetie." I smiled, kissing her forehead.
I slowly walked up the stairs with her and put her in her crib before walking into our room.
After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I felt like myself again.
Except for the hole in my side that still hurt like a bitch.

I was laying down when Darren walked in.
"What happened?" I asked.
"With what?" He asked me.
"After I was shot. What happened?"
"Well." He said. "You saved those kids. After you were shot the force field fell from the pack house but by that time most of the hunters were dead. I got there about 20 minutes after you mind linked me. There was a hunter carrying you to the woods, trying to get away. I killed him and picked you up. Once they realized how many people were dead they retreated. They ran back into the woods and we let them leave. Zac only lost 7 people."
I nodded and looked at him.
"Thank you for coming back." I said.
"I'll always come back for you Kaiya."

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