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It was around midnight, so I went for a walk around the hotel and saw Harry.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"You're still awake?"


"Let's walk together."

"I'd like that. Maybe we can have another talk."

"Sounds like a plan."

We headed over to the pool and sat on some chairs and talked about our problems. He told me about how he's completely over his ex, but everyone keeps reminding him about it and she's being childish as well.

"It's just so stressful." He sighed.

"I think you need to brush it off. If you ignore it, eventually they'll stop."

"You have a point."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why do people call you a womanizer?"

"I really don't know. I mean, I've had my share of girlfriends, but I don't play them." He sighed.

"I see... Well, if it helps, I don't think you're a player." I smiled.

"Thanks. So, how's it going with your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Not too well..." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"We've just been fighting a lot and we hardly see each other. We both know it's over, but neither of us want to admit it."

"Wait is it that actor you told me about when we first met?"

"Yes, we got back together, but...it's just not working out."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know..."

"Just do what makes you happy."

"I thought I was the one who gave advice." I giggled.

"The tables have turned." He smugly replied as he leaned back into the chair.

"I think I'm just going to end it right now." I said.

"Are you sure?"



I sighed after the FaceTime ended and looked at Harry.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just trying not to cry."

"It's okay to cry. It's a normal thing to do."

"I guess you're right. But, I'd prefer not to do it in front of you."

"You're stubborn." He chuckled.

"A little."

"So you're a model?"

"Yes I am."

"How come I've never met you before?"

"Well I've been in Paris for a few years with work and all over England and France, so I wasn't really home or available."

"I see. What's it like?"

"It's amazing. I love it."

"That's so cool."

"I guess."

We ended up having mindless chatter, then the boys walked out.

"I told you that we'd find them here." Zayn said.

"What have we here?" Louis teased.

"We were just talking." Harry said.

"Yeah, I just broke up with my boyfriend so..."

"Harry's just a nice guy like that." Liam said.

"He is." I agreed.

"Why don't we all hang out?" Niall offered.

"Sounds like fun." I said.

Smile-Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now