Chapter 16

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Hello everyone, so this chapter is a bit short and a bit of a filler! No worries though, soon enough we'll get to the good parts. I just want to drag on the story a bit longer, I don't want to rush this book. A rushed book is never a good story! :) 

At least that's what I think. Anyways, even though it's short it should hold you over until my next update! It's a monday, maybe you'll just take a break from school for a bit and read this chapter! If you like it, vote/review! I read each and every one of them and it always puts a smile on my face! I'll remind you at the end of the chapter! Love you all xo 


Harry's POV

It's been three days since I talked to Caroline and I feel so much better. She was okay with me using her but it's not like she wasn't dissapointed. She was but I guess she felt sorry for me so instead she's been helping me and giving me advice.

I think I'm going to follow her advice, tell him when the time comes. I can't rush into it or pick a certain date to tell him, I need to go with the flow. Whether the right time be in the restroom while he's taking a crap, I'll tell him. Not in a rushed time. On my own time. 

The scary part of that plan is actually telling him, but now it's time management. I can't wait too long. Something can happen, I might be missing my chances to tell him so I need to really manage my time. It's frightening to think it could happen at any moment but at least I'm living a bit spontaneous. Until the time comes, I'll wait patiently because I'd wait for Louis forever.

Except right now, because we were going to walk around town today. Just Louis and I. It was another day off and I told Louis to be ready an hour ago but he's still not downstairs. Getting up from the couch I sighed and headed upstairs.

I checked his room but he wasn't in there. Frowning I walked up to the bathroom and I heard some grunts of frustration coming from inside. I furrowed my eyesbrows and knocked lightly on the bathroom door.

"Louis?" I paused and knocked again, "What's wrong?"

I heard another groan from inside, "Nothing Haz, I'll be out in like t-two seconds!" He called.

What the hell is he doing in there? He never takes this long to get ready. "Let me in Louis!" I urged, knocking again.

"No wait downstairs, I'll be down there." He called getting annoyed.

However I was also getting annoyed. I gripped the doorknob and swung open the door.  I was revealed to a frustrated looking Louis with his hands through his disheveled hair. He was staring at the mirror with a bottle of gel on the sink.

"What the hell are you doing in here? Get out! I told you to wait outside!" He started shoving me to get out.

"Louis what's wrong?" I said grabbing his shoving hands by the wrists, "Why do you look so flustered?" I asked softly.

He looked like he was going to reply with a witty remark but instead he sighed heavily and looked down at the ground and untensed. 

"I just," he paused, "I can't gel my hair right. Lou (AN: Lou is One Directions' hair stylist in real life) knows how to make my hair stand up straight in a quiff perfectly but when I try to do it to my hair it looks like absolute shit." He huffed, "Besides I only look good when a bunch of stylists work on me."

I frowned, he sounded defeated and insecure. He never seemed insecure to me however I guess he was. He thought he didn't look good enough. He thinks that the only reason why he looks good is because our stylists use make up and hair products constantly. 

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