Chapter 15

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Hey hey hey, so I enjoyed writing this chapter a whole lot! It's very long, you're welcome! Thank you all for the comments/votes, I read them all and I smile each and every time I get a new one! Keep them coming they really help my writing motivation! 

I have so much homework but I wanted to get this up before I started, it's already 7 omg i need to start. Anyways enjoy this chapter. I'll remind you to comment at the end of this chapter. I can't wait for you guys to comment and hear what you have to say about this chapter! :) xo


Harry's POV

It's been three weeks. Three freaking weeks since I've been 'dating' Caroline and I hate myself for it.

I originally started this whole thing to try and forget about Louis or somehow fall out of love with him. Of course I was dumb and once again my plan didn't work. I didn't think about him as much but that was only because I was thinking about how bad I felt for leading Caroline on which wasn't a great thing to be thinking about either.

I promised myself I would tell Caroline the truth, or at least break up with her. That was two weeks ago and I still didn't work up the courage to tell her. Now that it's been three weeks it's going to be even worse when I tell her. I can't wait any longer, I just can't.

Everytime I look into her eyes, look her way, hear her voice, just being around her is making the guilt eat me alive. We've been hanging out whenever we could and she was so fun to be around but there was no way I liked her in more than a friendly way which is what ruins it all.

We were have a gathering barbecue at Liam's flat. The barbecue would have relatives, friends and maybe some random people we didn't even know. It's possible because it's happened before. I decided that I would tell her when she comes over. I can't wait any longer because the longer I put it off, the worse it becomes. 

The barbecue started about twenty minutes ago but I'm not surprised that Caroline isn't here yet. She told me she was going to be running late because she got caught up with her parents.  

Currently Louis and I were sitting outside on Liam's patio eating some hot dogs. The sun was shining so bright, I was sweating and I wasn't even doing anything. I'm surprised how hot it was today considering it's almost winter time. The hotdogs Liam cooked were incredible and I was almost done with my first one.

I took another bite from my hotdog as I heard a farting sound. I stopped mid bite and looked at Louis. I just chuckled, he must've heard me because he looked up from his hotdog.

"What?" He asked innocently.

I smirked, "No need to play dumb Lou, I heard you fart."

He seemed offended, 'No I didn't!"

I chuckled, "Lou it's alright I don't care, it was just a fart." I said continuing my hotdog.

He pouted, "But I swear, it wasn't me! I was squeezing ketchup!" He exclaimed pointing to the ketchup bottle in his hand. I figured he was telling the truth but a good harmless joke on Louis was always fun too.

"Sure." I said obviously sounding unconvinced.

"You don't believe me eh?" Louis asked mischeviously.

"Nope" I said nearing the last bite of my hotdog.

Before I put the last bit in my mouth I felt something on my face. I stopped eating my hotdog and I realized Louis just squirted ketchup on my face. I opened my mouth in shock and slowly wiped it off my cheek. With my mouth still hanging open Louis took this as a chance to just squirt more. Some got in my mouth, and some of it landed on my forehead and my cheeks.

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