Chapter 6

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Hey guys! So here is the next chapter! Thanks for your votes, can I get two votes before next update? I'm going to be working on my summer projects for this next week and I have cheer camp and my friend's birthday so I'm pretty packed. I'll try and get some writing in here and there. Please bear with me. I'll update quicker if I get votes, so please let me get your reviews! Please enjoy, and what do you think about Best Song Ever! It's really catchy xo -a

Harry's POV

Currently Louis and I were sitting on the couch located in the living room munching on the pizza we recently ordered. It was a bit embarassing how Louis caught me staring at him before the pizza delivery man rang the doorbell. However I decided I didn't want to think about that because each time I did I blushed just from the thought of it.

We were watching some talk show but I don't think either of us were really paying attention. I guess we wanted something to keep our eyes on while we ate considering we couldn't really talk. Thankfully the storm passed over and no thunder was interuppting the show. I like the rain but I had enough of water for today.

Soon we finished the whole pizza but I only realized it while I was eating my last slice.

"Hey!" Louis whined.

I took a bite out of pizza. I turned to look at him pouting, he had the empty pizza box on his lap. Oops.

"What?" I smiled asking innocently.

"You ate the last piece!" He accused pointing to the slice midway in my mouth.

I took another bite and let the saucy and cheesy taste overtake my mouth. I smiled through my munching as he gave me a sad face. Getting full anyways, I sighed and held out the rest of my pizza. Louis' eyes brightened as he reached foward and took the pizza out of my hands.

"Thanks Haz!" He said while happily munching on the rest of it.

Smiling I took out my phone and checked Twitter, and Instagram. I only really go on Instagram to post pictures, but I was following a few people I knew so sometimes I would check my feed. Twitter was what I really checked other's feeds. Sometimes I would stalk fan accounts and see what everyone is talking about.

After I checked a few sites, I stand up to head over to the kitchen. Before completely leaving the room I peer back at Louis to see the remote in his hands flickering through the channels.

Entering the kitchen I opened the fridge to find a cold drink to soothe my dry throat. Scanning the rows I couldn't find any sodas left, only water. Sighing I poured a glass of water and drank it within seconds. I put the glass in the sink and headed upstairs to change. 

I guess I would be doing some grocery shopping. Nothing overboard, just a few things is what we need.

I decided to change into some loose fitting sweat pants and a tight fitting white crew neck shirt. I knew I would be recognized but to help keep my cover for a bit longer I put a beanie over my curls. I stuffed my phone, keys and wallet into my pocket as I slipped on some random converse laying around. They might be Louis' I'm not entirely sure really.

"Hey Lou!" I called trodding down the stairs.

I heard the television blaring from the living room and then Louis spoke up, "Yeah?" 

"I'm going to run out and get a few things from the store!" I informed.

"Wait! Come here!" He yelled.

Sighing I jogged into the living room to see Louis sprawled out on the couch. He looked a little pale but maybe that was just me. 

"Can you pick up some cough drops or something?" He asked.

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