Chapter 11 - I know it's real and I shouldn't listen to her

Start from the beginning

          "Isco." was the only thing she said and I started to bite my nails because this whole thing was stressing me out.

          "What about Isco?" I said wondering where she was coming from.

          "How you should end things." She said and I was speechless. Me? End thing? I closed my eyes and wanted to wake up and let this be a dream.

          "Why do you want me to end things with him?" I asked her and it took her awhile to answer my question.

          "My son seems to have fallen for you and it's not of my liking. You live in America and you know he lives in Malaga and there is no way he can leave his job for a girl like you.... in the end it will not work out and you both will end up heartbroken. It's will be better for you both to end it now, and since I know he isn't going to do it. I want you to do it." She said and there was anger building up inside of me.

          "How do you even know it won't work out between us? You haven't even giving me a chance?" I said not wanting to insult her in any way, but it was becoming really hard.

          "I don't want to get to know you, this is just a silly summer thing of him not wanting to spend time with us. Plus, Isco's been on a long distance relationship before and they broke up because of the distance." Everything she was saying was killing me. I didn't know he had been in a long distance relationship before, does he meet a new girls every summer and does this to them? "You only want him because of his money, you probably already know who he is even if he hasn't told you, and I am not going to let you use him." She finished saying and I was outraged. I couldn't believe all of the things she was saying to me. Right now, I am angrier at her than the fact that Isco might be leading me on.

          "What? Money? I might be falling in love with your son too, and we'll prove to you that it will work. I don't want his money. I would love him even if he had nothing." I stood up from my chair and tried to calm myself down. I was fuming. "You know, I've never seen your son smile like he does when he is with me. I've never seen him this happy and I feel sorry for him because he has a mom that would prefer to make him unhappy just because she doesn't like the girl he is with without even knowing her. You don't know me, you don't know my family and whatever Isco and I decided it has nothing to do with you." I said and walked away from her. I had nothing else to say to her and I was done with her. I didn't look back, I was focused on grabbing my things and heading to my room.

          I wanted to avoid everyone. I really shouldn't talk to anyone because I am so angry that I will push them away and say things that will hurt them, just because I want to cause people the pain I am feeling. I know it's wrong, but I can't think straight. Her words are replaying in my head and I am over thinking everything Isco said and did for me since we met. How can I know it's all been real? The elevator finally arrived and just before I could go in someone pulled my arm. I turned to face the person and find Antonio standing there. I tried to free myself from his grip but he didn't let me. He was trying to read my face and I knew I was going to start saying hurtful things soon.

          "I don't want to talk, can you let go of me." I said and noticed my voice sounded weird.

          "You look like you have a lot to say," He said I looked away from him. I felt like I wanted to cry because my anger kept growing.

          "Well, I do have a lot to say, but it might get me in trouble with someone we both care about a lot." I said trying to free myself but now he was interested in what I wanted to say.

          "What do you mean?" He said looking deep into my eyes.

          "Your mom wants me to end things with your brother." I didn't have to finish my sentence for him to let go of me. I looked at his face and it told me everything. He knew this was going to happened and he never warned me about it.

          "We should talk somewhere more private," Antonio said and grabbed my hand and lead me to the new available elevator and took me all the way to their hotel room. He started looking around the whole room to see if we were alone and once he was back he lead me to the balcony. He closed the door behind him. He started to pace back and forth and it seemed he was debating if he should tell me something important. He sat down on the empty chair and finally faced me. "What did my mom say?" He asked and I started to tell him everything. I skipped the part when she called me out on knowing that Isco was a football player, just because I still haven't told Isco why will I tell his brother first.

          "Is it true?" I asked Antonio once I was done. I didn't let him say anything, I didn't even let him take it all in.

          "Is what true?" He asked me.

          "Isco's done this before, right? He's made girls fall for him like me and then they go their separate ways thinking it will work and it never does?" I said and the tears finally start to fall.

          "No, this would be the first time something like this happens..." He said smiling at me and somehow it made me feel a bit better, "but," he said killing me a little bit on the inside. "he was with a girl that lived far away, and that is not my story to tell." He said pulling me into his arms and letting me cry. "He'll tell you when he is ready, Katie, this is a confusing situation for the both of you... I don't know what to say because he's been really private with you. Like he's said he met you and all that to the family but that's it. I don't know anything other than he's falling for you, I don't know if that helps." He said and just kept me in his arms until I was done crying.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now