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Alex woke up at 8:00 O'clock
To do his morning routine. Once done he made sure he had all of his books because he was not sure of what he had so he grabbed his walking stick and left to go to the great hall.

He made it to the great hall with no problem and he them walked to the far left and sat with the slytherins today.  Dobby must have already filled his plate while he wasn't looking and just decided to read a book while he ate so he was moving his hand over the Braille as he ate his eggs and toast.

After breakfast what over the professors started handing out the class schedules. Alex got his and started moving his hand over it to read what was on it.

MONDAY- potions with Gryffindor 9-10, transfiguration with ravenclaw 10:30-11:30, lunch, herbology with hufflepuff 1-2, charms with slytherins 2:30-3:30

TUESDAY- double charms 9-11, lunch, double potions 1-3

Wednesday- history of magic 9-10, double potions 11-1, lunch, defence against the dark arts 2:30-3:30

THURSDAY- sames as Monday

FRIDAY- transfiguration 9-10, flying lessons 10:30-11:30, lunch, double potions 1-3

After Alex read his schedule he put it away and started to head to class. Alex grabbed his walking stick and left the great hall and with his panther at his side he slowly made his way to his first class. Alex then realized he had a busy day ahead of him but is going to make the best of it.

With little interference from the students around him Alex made his way to the potions classroom.  It was a good thing that he practiced a lot at home on how to make these first year potions.  When he was finally in the classroom Alex made his way to the front of the classroom and took his seat and took out his notebook and pen out to take notes.

It wasn't long before professor snape came swooping in to start class. After Snape made his speech they started taking notes on a boil cure. By the end of class the homework he had was to write and essay on the contents of the potion and how each ingredient interacted with each other all classes went the same, so each about the rules and take notes and an essay for homework.


Alex sat with the ravenclaws at dinner and again with the stares but he ignored he just ate and his dinner and did his homework which was partly done anyway all he had left was his potions essay to do and his homework was done and all the ravenclaws that how was he able to do any if not all his homework if he was blind. Alex just ignored them and finished his dinner then made his way to his room to finish his homework in peace and to write a letter to his mate to let him now that he was more then welcome to come through the floo if he wanted that he had dobby connect their floo network earlier that day while he was in class so that they could visit each other. Alex sent that message with his feathered friend and he went to relax by the fire.

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