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As Griphook got to work on what I ask of him I sat there and thought about what I would do when I had to go back to Hogwarts. I think I will ask for a resorting and now that I'm the heir to the founders I will do some research and go back down to the secret chambers, I want to try and find the chambers of the other founders as well I think that they also left their familiars to guard their chambers as well all I can do is hope for the best. I was so lost I did not realize that my mate and dad were trying to get my attention until my mate touch my shoulder and nearly made fall out of my chair. Dad chuckled at this.

Once everything was done I went down to the the founders vaults and tried to look through but because of my eyes my mate and dad went with me. Eager to find out what treasures waited in these vaults after a fee minutes we had finally made it to the flounders vaults. Griphook had told me that the founders vaults are all right next to each other so that made it easy. First up was Salazar's, inside was several things potion journals made in braille because my guess was Salazar lost his eye sight. I had asked my mate to grab those journals that he found the most interesting. I also grabbed a ring and necklace of some sort. Second was Rowena, as I remember her house was known for their knowledge. So I let dad take a few things and again I found a ring and a necklace of some sort. Helga's vault was very interesting as I had ask my dad to take the trunk and again found a ring and necklace. Last but not least was goldric's vault was weird because I found his necklace and his ring. Once we left those vaults we went to Merlin's vault and what I found was more intriguing I found his staff and another ring.

Once we got done with that I used the staff as a way for me to know where I was going. We made out way back to Griphook's office. " Griphook is there a card or something to use to take money out of my vaults without having to come back here all the time" I asked. Griphook said that I could use the card and that all I would need would be a few drops of blood and that I would get it the same day and I would get a monthly notice how much money I have in my accounts.

We left to do some shopping so I had new clothes and get me a new familiar as Hedwig died because dursley fed my owl to his his friends dog. I was so upset and an grey that I made dursley a rat for a week before it wore off. We headed to the animal shop as soon as I walked into the door all the animals quieted down. Then I heard a gasp and felt eyes in me.

"Excuse me sir but I'm looking for a familiar and was told your shop had the best their was as I'm am blind it would help me if you showed me what you have to offer" I said.

"Hello, my name is José and what we have to offer are anything from snakes to birds to toads and badgers to panther hybrids" José said.

I walked around around trying to see if I had a connection to any of them. I almost gave up hope when I felt four distinctive connections. I walked to the first one and to my surprise it was a panther hybrid. I was role that this panther was mixed with a lion and then I walked over to the next one and it was a raven and then walked again to a snake I heard hissing quietly trying to figure what I was doing and why was walking to the different animals as was the others I'm sure. The last one I walked to was a badger and then that's when it clicked the founders. I was so shocked that I started talking to the snake.

"Hello I have a question for you if you don't mind answering for me" I asked

"Whatsss theee questionssss you wishhhhh to asssk of me young one" the snake hissed back

"The question I wish to ask is do you know anyone by the name of Salazar Slytherin by any chance" I asked.

" Yessss I do young speaker for his familiar was my great grandfather they say he was an amazing human why do you ask young speaker" the snake asked

"Well I just so happens that I'm the heir to the founders and when I came to find another familiar because my other one had died due to my cousin I was trying to find a connection to any of you guys and the I just happen to feel a connection to you a Raven, badger,and a panther-lion hybrid" I said.

I go and get my dad and mate and they. Seemed surprised that four animals claimed me as their master as I'm still trying to figure it out. I had asked them their names but they had told me they did not have any so I had decided to name them after the great founders themselves.

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