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"You have come into your inheritance Alex, would you like to know what you are?" Dad asked


After thinking it through I nod my head yes. I braze myself and wait till my dad starts talking.

"Alex you are a hybrid if a veela and a werewolf. When I got your letter I immediately came running what surprised me was the fact that Severus is your mate but what I don't understand is how you are a submissive. Dad said

thought it through some more and came to the conclusion that I didn't mind as much as most would think. I think the only reason that I always riled Snape up was because I liked him more then I thought and I was okay with that.

What I don't understand is how I list my sight. I guess dad understood what I was thinking.

"Those muggles damaged your eyes so bad that magic couldn't even save your sight." Dad told me softly

Just as dad said that I heard a noise coming from my left. It sounded like a door I lifted my nose to the air and sniffed. What I smelt was fumes, ash wood and cinnamon along with the smell of apples and leather. I'm guessing that I was guessing that Snape and the the malfoys are here.

"Snape ,  Draco and Lucius  thank you for coming to my aid even though you had no reason to. I still appreciate it." I told them

" Alex how did you know it was us if you don't mind me asking? " Draco asked

I just pointed to my nose. I guess he got the meaning. I heard someone shift closer to me I took a wild guess and thought it was Draco's father since we are at their house.

"Alex I'm sorry for everything we ever did to you. If we had known it would have never happened." Lucius said

I guessed the other two was nodding. I had a theory and I wanted to try so I told everyone to stay still so I could try something. I pushed my magic out to see if I could use my sight that way and to find out that I could. all I could do was giggle and smile that I found a way to use my magic to replace my eyes. I could tell they were smiling at me. After awhile a healer came in a checked my wounds and to find out my magic healed those too and I was able to leave but i had to be careful so I wouldn't get dizzy and faint. All I know was that we had a lot to talk about, and first things first I was going to go to gringots bank and see if anything was done to my vaults.

"Can anybody tell me what time it is. I have a feeling that something was done to my vaults and wish to check it out if that's okay." I asked 

"Alright my mate that is fine and it is 10 O'clock in the morning so lets get you some clothes while we are out I don't want to ever see you in those rags ever again. Please grab ahold of my arm and I'll lead you to were ever you need to go. if I'm not with you you dad can as I have to get some potion ingredients while we are out." Snape said

His sound of his voice would have made me melt right there I had to hold in a whimper from escaping my lips. I'm guessing he knew what he was doing to me because he leaned down by my ear and made sure his lips grazed my ear in the process and told me later my mate I will have you all to myself and I intend to indulge in my mate as much as you will let me. All I could do was nod and let out a slight whimper at the thought.

"Severus if you could wait until we got back and you were behind a closed door please I would not like to see my son in such a state it would scar my for life." dad said

I could do nothing but laugh at the thought of my dad laughing. and then I thought I finally have a family. A family that loves me to no end, a mate that will love my unconditionally, and a real friend that will stick by me no matter what.

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