A new voice cut through the silence. Ana perked up at the familiar voice; she heard Ratchet's exasperated vent once again.
"I was sent to check up on Ana" Lennox explained, standing at the entrance of the med bay holding a box.
Ratchet pinched the bridge of what would be his nose before answering
"She is well. Though her health had been severely deteriorated, I expect a full recovery after a few days of rest."
He huffed with annoyance before adding "Rest which she is not getting with these interruptions."
Lennox seemed unfazed by the cold treatment "Glad she's doing well" He then turned his attention to Ana. "Hey kiddo" he greeted warmly "Heard you were going to be in the med bay for a couple of days so me and the guys put some stuff together to keep you entertained till then." He glanced up at Ratchet
"That is if it's okay"
Ratchet only nodded and resumed typing on the large computer.
"Oh! Thanks!" Ana exclaimed brightly, surprised that they had thought of her. "Don't thank me just yet" Lennox warned, there was humor in his voice.
"We tried our best, but there wasn't much to find." He said handing her the box.
She took it gratefully, peering inside. There was a notepad, an assortment of pens and pencils, a magazine, and two books (one of which looked suspiciously like a manga). Ana smiled picking up the thicker of the two books Harry Potter! I love this series.
"Thanks Lennox" She said brightly.
"I'm glad you like it" he replied. Glancing at his watch he sighed "I better be off now" He said ruefully "I've got a meeting soon. Galloway keeps stirring up trouble and I'm left to deal with it, wish me luck." He shook his head.
"Anyway, I'm glad you're back safe and sound, you get well soon Ana." He parted turning to leave.
"Wait" Ana called uncertainly "C..could you thank the others for me?" she said motioning to the box.
He smiled "I'll be sure to pass on the message." He said before disappearing down the hallway.
Ana set the box beside the cot and pulled out the sole Harry potter book and began to read.

The rest of the day was uneventful; a few soldiers came in for minor medical attention, it amused Ana that neither of them seemed to want to be there with the cross medic, not that she could really blame them. He can be a bit scary at times, but at least he has our best interests at heart...er spark she had reasoned.
For the most part she hadn't seen much of the bots, the only two were Prowl and Sideswipe when they had walked past the med bay, not that they noticed her though.
Her day had gone by with her mostly either reading or napping, along with breaks for meals and the restroom.
By the end of the day she was thoroughly tired of reading and had decided to make use of the note pad that had been given to her.

Ana was in the middle of drawing when, to her surprise, Jazz walked in.
"Hey Lil'lady" he greeted. She looked up, it was around dinner now and most of the activity outside had calmed down, she hadn't really expected anyone else to come to the med bay.
"Hey Jazz" She said quietly. He flashed a smile "Looks like yo' doin better, ya had meh worried back there when I foun' ya in them woods." She nodded "I'm feeling a lot better, I'm glad Ratchets here."
Jazz nodded and looked around "Speaking o' which, where is Doc-bot?" "He had to get something from...storage,
I think. He should be back soon."
"I see, guess I'm stuck chillin." He said, casually sitting on the floor next to her cot.
"I-"she began before hesitating; Jazz tilted his head "Hm?"
"Well... the day you found me" she started uncertainly "Why were you on that road? Were you on a mission or...?"Ana trailed off.
He shrugged,
"Been lots'a con' activity in that area, drones an such, fer searchin' ya know? Boss bot was hope'in we could track down dem ship o'theirs t'find you. Plus there was th'chance they might be searchen fo' you." He winked "Guess we were right." He smiled again
"Didn't jus' find you either, huh."
Ana smiled sheepishly at his comment about Smokescreen. Deep down she was again touched by how much the bots and the soldiers had cared about her, she never would have expected it, after all she hadn't even been on base for very long.

Their conversation was interrupted by approaching pede steps, and their attention moved to the door as Ratchet walked in carrying a large crate.
He nodded in acknowledgment toward Jazz "Go sit on the berth, I'll be there in a nanocycle."
"Whateva you say Doc-bot." Jazz replied smoothly, getting to his pedes.
Ratchet only huffed as he walked into the large door leading into a supply room. A few seconds later he emerged, closing the large door and made his way to Jazz.
Ana watched curiously as Ratchet checked the smaller bot over, stopping periodically to carefully weld a few spots around Jazz's torso.
"So what's th'verdict doc, am I gonna live?" Jazz joked.
Ratchet ignored him "You've recovered nicely; your back should be close to being completely healed now."
Jazz jumped down from the berth "Finally!" There was relief in his voice. "What happened?" Ana wondered aloud, to her surprise it was Ratchet who answered.
"Back when we had our first major battle on Earth in Mission City, Jazz here unfortunately faced Megatron alone. The result was tragic, Megatron tore him in half only barely missing his spark chamber" He said solemnly.
Jazz seemed to wince at the memory "Doc-bot patched meh up tho." He said "That Mega-piece-of-slag better watch his back from now on" he said darkly. Ratchet huffed in annoyance, his tone stern "I hope you don't plan on repeating your first mistake, you were near offline when I found you, you're lucky to even be functioning."
Jazz brushed him off casually
"Don' worry Doc-bot, I owe ya my life, I an't gonna go killin myself jus' yet." Ratchets optics narrowed
"You go doing something that slagging idiotic again, not even primus will be able to piece you together when I'm done with you."
Jazz took a step back putting his hands up defensively
"Woah woah, I mean it Doc, don't go hav'in a glitch."
Ana thought for a moment Ratchet was going to throw another wrench, instead he just turned back to his computer.
Jazz chuckled "Alrighty guess ah best be goin, Ol Ironhide is gonna blow a fuse if I'm late fo'training again" Jazz walked towards the door "See ya later Doc-bot, you too Ana."
Ana waved as he left, wow her mind was still processing what she had heard, Ripped In half!? This Megatron character is not the guy to mess with. How had Ratchet even fixed an injury like that? She looked back at Ratchet with new respect.
The medic closed the doors to the med bay and began shutting off equipment. Ratchet then let her off the IV so she could get ready for the night.
Entering the bathroom she noticed her old clothes were still on the ground pushed in a corner.
She stopped, staring at the clothes. Ana felt like she was forgetting something, staring at the dirty cargo pants a memory surfaced.
The piece of paper
the thought jolted in her mind,
my parents!
She rushed to the corner and dug through the pockets, please be there please be there she pleaded.
Her hand brushed paper and she carefully took the water wrinkled slip of paper from the pocket.
What if the water ruined it?
She thought fearfully, gingerly she opened the folded slip. The numbers were blurred in places but still stood clearly on the slip. Her heart soared,
I can find my parents!
Ana stared at the paper the realization slowly sinking in; I can see Mom and Dad! Tears welled in her eyes "We're going to be ok" She whispered clutching the paper to her chest like a life line. "Mom, Dad I'll see you again, I promise."

Sorry for the long hiatus guys! Finally got this chapter out, yay! ,:P

Hasn't been a disclosure in a while so.....
I don't own transformers or
Harry Potter(<- great books)
I only own my OC's

Alrighty keep Reading/writing/and rolling mi amigos, adios!

A Lost Spark         (Transformer fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora