"Likewise." I responded without emotion.

"So, I assume you would like to hear her status."


"Alright, the gash on her head was most likely from a rock, looking closely. Nothing serious, just knocked her unconscious. Don't know if she could've fell down the cliff or tripped, was being chased. Not sure. We'll find out when she wakes up."


"Moving on," he flipped the page on his clipboard. "In her blood there are traces of silver. Her Dark Wolf powers are knocked out from it as are her wolf senses."

"When will those fade?"

"In about a week or less. It was already faded slightly, but these were injected into her blood system not long ago, so there is still time until her white blood cells take all of it out."


"And there's- never mind. We'll get to that later."

"O-okay?" Get to what later?

A sharp intake of breath broke in the silence of the room, and I perked up in my seat. Her green eyes looked around with clear fear, and when they landed on me she broke out into a happy cry.

"Oh thank the moon goddess!" She jumped into my lap somehow. I chuckled, holding her tightly to my body.

"I fucking missed you, loser." She giggled and I kissed her forehead.

"Likewise." I smiled as her eyes took in my appearance.

"You look tired." She remarked and I laughed.

"I haven't slept, ate, or showered since you were kidnapped again." I kissed her again and held her head to my chest, stroking her hair but managing to avoid her gash.

"So I guess we found each other." She murmured.

"Yeah, I guess. But this time I'm not letting go."


After I woke up and cuddled with Chase I was released from the pack hospital. My friends were very insistent on seeing me right away, but Chase told them I needed a day.

And in that day I intended on telling Chase about being pregnant. And that it (obviously) wasn't his.

Honestly I was scared. How would he react? Demand abortion? Ignore me until I'm not pregnant anymore? Chase was possessive, and to know that the baby I was carrying wasn't his? That's terrifying.

Once we got to the pack house we both took separate showers and had something healthy to eat. Currently, we were laying down in the bed together, just taking in each other's comfort.

I was shaky because I knew what I was about to tell Chase. He could feel my shakiness, but he wasn't saying anything about it.

"Ch-Chase?" I asked.


"I have something big to tell you..." I bit my lip.

"You can tell me anything."

"I- actually let's just go to bed." I moved to go under the covers, but he stopped me and forced me to look into his green eyes.

"What do you need to tell me, Cass?" I bit my lip again at the nickname.

"Something that can wait, I mean it's getting late and I'm feeling stoned even though we never did anything to get us stoned but I'm talking about just the feeling-"

"You're rambling because you're nervous. What happened?"

"Chase, I really don't feel like doing this now."

"Cassandra, what happened?" Fuck.

"You won't like it." I could feel my eyes tear up. Chase pouted at the sight and grabbed my chin.

"I can't promise I will like it, but I'll support you on anything, you know that, right?" I nodded and he sighed. "Just spill it."

"I'm pregnant." After I said it I regretted it. I slapped my hand over my mouth and my eyes spilled with tears.

Chase's face didn't change into any recognition of what I just told him which scared me. Was he trying not to lash out on me?

"Who's child because I know for a fact we never mated." His jaw set, and I knew he was holding in his rash.

"I-it's Lucifer's, but-"

"Fucking hell!" Chase roared, and he jumped up from the bed.

"Chase, I want you to know it wasn't-"

"With your permission, I figured." He started pacing. "I can't believe he fucking-"

"It isn't as bad as it seems though-" Chase stopped mid-pace and glared at me.

"What do you mean 'not as bad as it seems'?"

"What I mean is that we never had sex!" I yelled and his eyebrows furrowed.

"He didn't rape you?"

"No! He used magic!"

"But it's still his child?"


"Okay, what do you want to do about it?" He asked folding his hands across his chest.


"It's up to you."

"Well, I haven't exactly thought of what to do."

"If you decide to keep it just know boy or girl, that child will not be able to take the alpha position."

"And why not?"

"There is no alpha genes."


"The alpha position is going to be mine soon, therefore as alpha I decide what is best for my pack because it is my position, not yours. A child of mine, and mine only can become the next alpha."

"That is such-"

"I don't want to hear it. Plus, this talk can be held later. I'm going to bed."

"Fine. I will, too then." We both slid under the covers, and I turned off the remaining lamp. There was an uneasiness in the air, but right now I didn't care. The baby was not my fault, and if Chase wants to let his jealousy out on me, fine, but I will not care.

I will not let him get to me, especially now I'm back.



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