"Oh man, this should be interesting," she muses with a chuckle.

"What?" you repeat, sitting up as well.

"Do you think the Troublesome Two are stopping by Roxas' room to say goodbye?" she asks with a raised eyebrow before marching to the bathroom.

"Wha- what's that supposed to mean?!" you snap as you follow her.

"Oh, nothing~" she coos, still laughing slightly. "Just that you're oblivious. Anyway, you said I'd get some training today, right?"

"Oh, yeah!" you remember, your face lighting up. "C'mon, let's get Riku. He's the best with a sword if Zack, Genesis and Cloud are gone."


"So, why are we here again?" Cloud asks with a sigh.

"I told you, Genesis might have found something important," Zack replies, extending a hand to the wall of the abandoned mansion's library in Hollow Bastion.

The wall slides to the side, revealing a secret passageway. Zack and Cloud walk down it, finally reaching a room that has a giant computer in it, with Genesis sitting right in front of the computer.

"Hey, Gen," Zack greets, sitting down on the open seat beside him. "What's the big deal?"

Genesis glances towards him, looking displeased.

"I believe I've found Xehanort's journal."

"You mean... Xemnas' Somebody?" Cloud asks.

Genesis nods in response.

"How'd you hack into that? The last time we checked it was crazy secured!" Zack exclaims, poking the computer screen.

"Well, I had a little help," Genesis admits, before glancing behind him.

Zack and Cloud follow his line of vision, and they jump to their feet when they spot a man standing there, cloaked in a black trenchcoat.

"How long have you been here?" Cloud asks, pointing his sword at the Organization member.

"Is this how you say hello to everyone?" the man muses as he takes off his hood to reveal silvery-blue hair.

"Zexion..." Zack mutters, lowering his sword. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping you. You're welcome." He marches forward, lightly brushing Cloud's sword aside. "Hello, Strife. Mind letting me through?"

Cloud narrows his eyes as he moves to the side. Zexion gives him a sly smile as he walks between Zack and Cloud towards the computer.

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