A whole stack of art due

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And finally, all the requests you buds asked for

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And finally, all the requests you buds asked for.
Top left: Just me getting bored
Top right: Ursol and Roots ship request for CartoonyCanine
Center: Really old request of a RP scene for CartoonyCanine
Bottom left: Art request for @Sonnygirl2
Bottom right: Art request for midpaw

Top left: Just me getting boredTop right: Ursol and Roots ship request for CartoonyCanine Center: Really old request of a RP scene for CartoonyCanine Bottom left: Art request for @Sonnygirl2Bottom right: Art request for midpaw

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Welcome.... To Gravity Falls.
*cue weird GF and WtNV theme mashup*
Yeah, this took a while. Bill Cipher, Tad Strange who looks like Cecil, Angels who legally can't exist and are named Erica, All Hail The Glow Cloud, Weirdmaggedon "X", Eye Bats, and Radio broadcasting without an actual recording device included.
Alright. Anyways.... *ahem*


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Man met the serpent long ago,
In a village far away.
Man was at first scared and wary,
The way man should've been.
But then man became brave and questioning,
Too nosy for their own good.
And man tried to contact the beast,
To tame the creature or see its blood.
Whatever the case,
Man approached bold and courageous and strong.
Man was too curious,
And fell for the serpent's tricks.
For the snake had a honeyed tongue,
And could entrance one with all,
And so the devious reptile did that,
Charming all with cunning.
And when man finally came too close,
The serpent gave it it's wishes.
It crept into man's mind,
Filling it with delusions and fantasy.
Man thought they were down in paradise,
While the beast wreaked havoc above.

It is told, long ago that there was a village. The village was nameless and isolated in a small forest. The forest was usually foggy and clouded, causing the townsfolk to be wary of the area outside the village. Children were always told to stay away from the dark woods at night. But sometimes, an adventurous child would wander out into the forest. Many would return safely to be scolded by their worrying mothers. But very rarely, one or two children would disappear without coming back to their homes. It is said in the mornings of those occasions, yellow smoke would be spotted rising over the groves of trees.
Finally, centuries later, with many incidents of curious children wandering off occurring, one event emerged to strike a fatal blow to the village. A child, about to turn twelve, was lost in the woods. The villagers reported sounds of screams echoing from the woodlands. Many stated it sounded like, "The Great Demon Snake himself", as being the current mythical beliefs.
The next day, at six o'clock in the morning, the child returned from the forest. He looked completely normal, other than the dark circles around his eyes and small scratches and scrapes on his bare limbs. He stumbled into town, looking weak and tired. The residents of the village quickly encircled him to chastise the misbehaved youngling, but right as they approached him, he changed. His eyes widened and filled with a bright yellow light and his mouth opened in a silent shriek. The golden glow was everywhere, pouring out of his eyes, ears and mouth. A huge black serpent appeared from behind him, eight waving heads momentarily hypnotizing the crowd, it's five tails grasping at the air like a baby's fingers clutching at it's mother's thumb. The serpent hissed and suddenly entangled itself around the child. A slithering dark head curled into the child's ear and another into his mouth. A third head wrapped around his throat.
Legend says that the monstrous reptile said, "Thiss one issss mine. And sssoon you'll all be. Like the many children you left in the foressst." Many townspeople took this is a curse, the gods punishing them for leaving their children to be lost, and they quickly begged for forgiveness and pleaded for mercy. The serpent smiled and killed them all. The few that escaped were hunted down in an almost childish game of hide and seek, the beast still possessing the poor child's body.
It is said that the beast chased it's victims into a cave where huge crystalline structures formed into web-like formations. The serpent made use of its web covered surrounding and trapped it's prey in the cobwebs, sometimes keeping them alive Justus o they could starve. The snake was especially known for torturing it's victims. Some it kept alive to use as a future host.
Eventually, activity by this creature ceased and all accounts of this phenomenon were lost. Those that were salvaged were quickly dismissed as a fairytale, a work of fiction, fantasy, and myth. Those who believed this tale were either young children who'd run circles around their parents, insisting that the anomaly took place, or gullible explorers desiring for a monster hunt. Some even tried to search for the creature, though they never returned. Or perhaps they did, and all anecdotes have all been too warped to tell. After all, stories change after time. . . . . Though perhapssssss not thisssss one. . . . . .

How'd ya like it? I know, I suck at writing. But back to the point. It does not matter if I'm a horrible storyteller or anything, it matters that this is important material for the background of a new character. Based off the song Outer Science, as shown below. This new character will be plopped into my OC Book, just like my 90((It's actually 91, but I'm saying 90 for purposes)) OCs I'll have to draw.

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