A Howl filled with Sorcery

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Howlite jolted awake with a start. She wrinkled her snout and closed her eyes, feeling a presence. OI! She mentally yelled. Don't you go sneaking into people's heads ya camel-breath. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She swished her venomous tail over her claws, grumbling. Her dark eyes darted around, scouring the area for a dragon. The rough cave floor scraped under her talons as she curled them into a ball.
"I know you're there!" Howlite called irritably. "And you disrupted my nap!" She added. Her eyes flitted over to the cave entrance where she saw a single purple claw. She narrowed her eyes at it.
"Well...." A slithering voice said. Howlite froze, eyes fixated on the space above the talon. A figure emerged, a strange purple dragon whose eyes glowed gold in the dark cavern. He was larger than Howlite by a little, and most likely older. His jaws were rested in a insufferable smirk and Howlite rustled her wings, unsettled.
"It seems... I've found another animus." The voice hissed again. Howlite frowned, sensing that the anonymous dragon was an animus as well.
"Who are you?" She asked, eyes glittering. The dragon tilted his head at her, smirking. Howlite walked towards the dragon until she was just a step away.
"And the heck are you?" Howlite wrinkled her nose. "A weird Nightwing thing?" The other dragon was silent, his face revealing nothing.
"Alright." Howlite shrugged. "Suit yourself. Weird Nightwing it is." She stalked around the dragon, her eyes studying him, moving from his oddly colored scales to the glowing patterns on his neck. Howlite looked up at him, her ears flicking. She placed her tail in a poised position, curling it over to make it seem she was about to attack. She knew this action never worked anymore and she really just did it to look cool. She was taken aback when the mysterious dragon widened his eyes in fear and said,
"Oh no! Please don't hurt me!" He said in mock terror. He then laughed, his chuckles echoing around. Howlite snorted, her tail releasing its position. She rolled her neck, a bit disheartened by the dragon's little act. She settled her tail on the cool floor, hearing a clatter as her tail touched the ground.
"So..." She started, "What do you want?" She ended with a hiss. The dragon walked to the other side of the cave, his eyes watching Howlite. She looked back at him. The dragon cleared his throat.
"Well. I probably should introduce myself." He started. Howlite looked at him, exasperated.
"Like you should've when I asked?" Howlite said in an annoyed voice.
The dragon chuckled sheepishly. "Of course. I was just a little... Surprised. You have quite pale scales." Howlite stared at him, even more irked.
"All Sandwings have pale scales." She said. The dragon smiled.
"Yes. Well."
"Are you gonna tell me what you're doing here now?" Howlite growled, her tail twitching.
"Hey, be patient. I was going to tell you. But first.... I am Mage. Mage the Magicwing."
"What in Pyrrhia is a Magicwing!?"
"Back to the point.... I was just visiting!" The dragon ended with a crooked grin. Howlite looked at him.
"Yeah." She said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "Definitely. You totally were visiting by dropping by my cave and just staying there watching me sleep and rummaging through my head. Totally some dragon visiting."
Mage clucked his tongue and shook his head. "Now, I knew you wouldn't believe me. Oh well." He started to leave. Howlite stamped a foot. "Oi! Get back here!" She snapped, unsatisfied. Mage turned around, surprised.
"What? Haven't got enough of me?" Mage replied in a snarky voice. Howlite blew a plume of smoke out of her nostrils.
"Very funny." She retorted. "No. You need to tell me WHY the heck you were watching me." Her eyes flashed and suddenly several stalagmites crashed down and blocked the cave entrance.
"Huh. You don't seem too worried about losing your soul." Mage commented.
Howlite smiled wryly. "Maybe because-" She suddenly lunged at Mage, knocking him over. "I already lost my soul a while ago...!" She exclaimed in almost a shriek. She looked up, seeing a beam of sunlight filter into the cave. While she peered at the now bright sky, Mage surged up, knocking her off and growling. Howlite quickly jumped to her feet and snarled, lashing her tail. The two dragons circled each other, their eyes filled with a menacing dull light. They glared at each other, ready to fight, both waiting for the other to attack. Suddenly, a raven's squawk was heard from outside. She two animuses tensed. Then, they charged.

God. My drawing app crashed three times while drawing this. Augh. I can't write. This probably sucks. *falls over* I need to sleep. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

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