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Tagggged by @Excalaburrito

As a friend? Yes. Anything further than that? Nobody but my parents. :3

God I hope so. :|

Hong. Red in Chinese.

Single pringle McJingle.

Hmm.... @CartoonyCanine?

Ahmm.... I can't recall.


@midpaw the amazing.

I don't exactly have one?? Maybe an irl friend. I won't specify.
((I will respect their privacy))

Mainly my ocs and other ocs. :/
I have to say right now it's still Feiddy.

I was looking for fan-writing apps. I blame Quotev.
((Actually, I don't, because if I hadn't been inspired by random, weird fanfictions, I wouldn't have met all you amazing people on here :3))

Remember this you guys?

Tagged by Excalaburrito again XD30 facts about myself

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Tagged by Excalaburrito again XD
30 facts about myself... Hrmm....

1. I am human
2. I am female
3. I am alive
4. I have hair
5. I am an artist
6. I enjoy listing random facts about myself that you probably already know
7. I am going to start listing actually interesting facts
8. I am an only child
9. I have a fear of the dark, suspicious noises, being alone(the irony), death, heights, and Mary Sues(which majority of my OCs might be)
10. I absolutely detest going on planes
11. Have have motion sickness that kills
12. China has made me paranoid for some reason
13. My favorite color is purple
14. My Chinese Zodiac sign is the Ram
15. My Zodiac sign is Scorpio
16. My favorite animal is either the fossa or the kestrel((maybe the hyena now))
17. I am fandom trash
18. I am actually sort of fandom trash. I like some fandoms.
19. I am debating whether to get a tumblr or not
20. I have 100+ OCs
21. I ship Roosol and Feiddy like Fedex
22. I am rooting for the US in the Olympics
23. My sexuality is currently nonexistent
24. I am running out of facts
25. I will not say my real name. Privacy.
26. However, I do have five-bajillion nicknames. Lissy, Lickity Lick, Liz, Facility, Foot, Feet, Flicka, Phil, Felicia, Felocity, Velocity, 小宝宝, Stick, and more.((Majority of these are not commonly used))
27. I have too many art idols to count
28. I am fairly average
29. I've got scoliosis, asthma((apparently)), and heat resistance
30. I procrastinate a lot

And another one!
WOF Mary Sue Test by @CharTonk_

Howlite: Sandwing animoose
((Ooh, I wonder what I'll get >: D))

Part One: How to Name Your Dragon

Do you and your character share a name? (+1)
Howlite and Thorn. Naw.
Is your character's name your screen name/username? (+2)
Feihong10 and Howlite. Nope.
Are they named after anyone you know, either in real life or online? (+1)
I don't recall anyone named Howlite...
Is their name similar to a canon character's? (Ex: Star____, similar to Starflight, or ____Speaker, similar to Fatespeaker?) (+4)
Nope. Not anyone who's appeared yet.
Is their name a combination of two canon character's names? (Ex: Starperil, Wintermoon) (+2)
Is their name a commonly used shipname? (Ex: Glorybringer) (+3)
No, and no.
Is their name a blatant rip-off of a canon character's? (Ex: Glacia, Scarlen, Qibla) (+10)
I could make a rip-off for Howlite's name, if that'll appease.
Do they have a human name? (Ex: Sophie, Ashley, Bob) (+7)
That'd be really cute! The answer is no.
Do they have a name that doesn't fit them/their tribe at all? (Ex: A MudWing named Galaxy, a SkyWing named Frost) (+10)
Howlite is a fairly unique name that isn't really a Sandwing name, but I made it to fit Howlite, since her scale color is fairly pale, like the gemstone Howlite. Of course, Howlite isn't found in the desert, so I'll take it.
Is their name really, really boring? (Ex: A SandWing named Sand, a SkyWing named Sky/Skye, a NightWing named Night, a SeaWing named Sea) (You don't get any points for this, just disapproval.)
Is Howlite boring? I don't know, I really don't pay attention to name choice.
Part Two: This is a giant flying reptile, not a supermodel (Appearance)
((Why am I laughing so hard at this? XD))

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