Randomness I

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Some lil' doodles.
A friend and I(midpaw ) decided to make fusions of ourselves and Undertale characters. So, I'm fused with Undyne. Say hello to Thorndyne. The bada$$ fish.

I was watching the Gravity Falls Finale and was just thinking about how cool it would be if Virus and Bill had a battle

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I was watching the Gravity Falls Finale and was just thinking about how cool it would be if Virus and Bill had a battle. Yeah. Imagination rules. I came up with this. Definitely not what you'd expect for a fight. That's Virus watching the part where Bill grows those, 50 or so arms. XD

Some of my Creepypasta OCs

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Some of my Creepypasta OCs. ^^ Ink looks like she wants to punch someone :3

 ^^ Ink looks like she wants to punch someone :3

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Moar OCs. Enroc is a new one.


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AHHH, puns. These are some pun texts from my OCs. I did not create these. In case you can't see,
William: I once tried to join the army. Then I quit because I disliked the phrase, "fire at will".

Sans: I accidentally drove Pap's expensive car into a tree. I've now found out how Mercedes Bends.

Callistra(New OC): Enroc once tried to annoy me with bird puns. Then I realized that toucan play this game.

Andromeda(Mute): I'm glad I know sign language. It's very handy.

Truffle: Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll give you A-flat minor.

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