Music Challenge thingie

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So.... I have to turn on shuffle in my music, and list the first five songs I hear with no skips. Well, whoop-die-doop, here I go.

Unity- TheFatRat
Follow, Greet, Wait, Repeat! -DAGames
Acid Burger -Skor
Gingerbread man -Melanie Martinez
Dollhouse -Melanie Martinez

Unity- TheFatRatFollow, Greet, Wait, Repeat! -DAGamesAcid Burger -SkorGingerbread man -Melanie MartinezDollhouse -Melanie Martinez

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Heyyyyyyyy. *insert Lenny face*

Last days of school challenge, this is for days 1, 2, and 3 ^^

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Last days of school challenge, this is for days 1, 2, and 3 ^^

Last days of school challenge, this is for days 1, 2, and 3 ^^

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For ScarletCarlos, backstory for Strings

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For ScarletCarlos, backstory for Strings. I know, I wrote a fricking story. Kill me.

Strings was originally born in a city. They were lost and confused, wandering the sewers below. They often would peek up from their desolate home, watching a circus that would have a yearly show in the bustling urban area. They had come to like the circus, even memorizing the date for the circus, just so they could come up to watch. After several years of watching, they had become big enough that the small sewers could not hold them, so they were forced to scurry around, living in the alleyways and slums. When Strings went to watch the show, they'd have to slink around and hope not to be noticed, sneaking around into the stands and sitting with the rats and other scavengers that dined on the crowd's leftovers. One day, the day was especially hot and Strings, brain befuddled and blurred by the heat, wasn't careful enough in infiltrating the tent. They were spotted, causing several people to burst out in screams or oohs of curiosity. The circus staff eventually noticed the uproar and found Strings. By then, he was about the size of a large dog, and was already have a tough time of sneaking into the circus. The staff, ushered him out, evicting him with brooms and calling animal control. Strings, hurt and lonely, was pushed out. As Strings sat there miserably, waiting dismally for animal control, a mysterious figure walked over to them.
"Why hello there." The figure cooed. Strings jumped, surprised and hissing.
"Woah, woah there." The figure stepped back, putting their hands back defensively. "Nothing to be scared of here." The figure stooped down to String's head level.
"Now who are you?" The figure asked, gently petting Strings' head. The figure smirked.
"Oh, you're that poor little guy who got kicked out, weren't you? I know, circus staff can be SUCH a pain. I know the feeling." The figure said reassuringly.
"Hey," They suddenly said. "How bout you stick around with me? Birds of a feather, flock together as they say. We're both outcasts, why not be buddies?" The figure stuck out their hand. Strings looked at it, considering. They had been both kicked out from the circus. Strings looked at the oncoming animal control cars. This was better than being taken to the pound... Strings glanced back at the figure and hesitated. Then, they nodded, resting their snout on the figure's hand. The figure immediately smiled, a huge shiny grin.
"Good." They purred. "You can call me.... The Puppet Master."

I am still crap at writing. :/

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