Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Start from the beginning

"Good plan," you agree.

"Bye, you guys..." Sora mutters sadly.

"See you later," Leon adds boredly, waving to everyone.

You give him a small wave as you start to walk towards the door.

"Good luck," Riku calls out as you exit the room.

"You, too," Zack replies before shutting the door behind him.

"I'll fly the ship this time," Reno offers.

"Thank God! I can't stand another flight with Sora driving... He's awful," Roxas complains.

"Hey, isn't that like saying you're awful?" you point out, laughing lightly.

Roxas smirks and shrugs as he starts to walk onto the ship. You follow him, shoving your hands in the pocket of your jacket.

"Neverland, here we come!" Zack exclaims as he sits down in his seat and Reno revs up the engine of the Gummi ship.


You immediately wake up as the Gummi ship starts to shake violently. Whimpering lightly, you desperately clutch the armrests and silently curse Reno's reckless flying. Knowing his cockiness, he probably ran into a meteor while he was showing off his 'superior flying skills' to Zack and Cloud.

Just as you glance outside, a rather large wooden ship goes flying past.

Wait... what?

"What was that?!" you exclaim, causing everyone to turn around and look at you.

"Trouble. Big trouble," Reno responds stiffly, doing his best to maneuver around the ship, which is heading right towards you.

You bite your bottom lip in nervousness as the ship comes to a stop beside the Gummi ship. All you can really see is a black flag hanging off the mask, with a white skull and crossbones emblazoned on it. You can't help but wonder why exactly something that looks suspiciously like a pirate ship is harassing you in the middle of space. A large 'boom' echoes throughout the cabin, and the ship suddenly starts to shake.

"I think they're boarding the ship," Zack mutters, standing up and facing the door, his sword clenched in his hands.

You stand as well, along with everyone else. Suddenly, the door to the ship bursts open, and a bunch of people dressed as stereotypical pirates run inside. Your eyes widen when you realize that they're not just pirates... They're Heartless, as evidenced by the Heartless insignia on their chests, and they don't look human. A man with a red coat and a flamboyantly frilly hat strolls in behind them, a short, chubby man with a blue and white checkered shirt right at his heels.

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