Chapter 16 [edited]

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(It's December. She's only 5 months along.)

Cloe POV

I was laying down waiting for the doctor to get in here for my appointment. Since I'm about 5 months I should be able to hear the babies heart beats and get more pictures and find out the sexs! I hope they are both girls! I was broke out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. In comes the doctor followed by the machine.

"Alright Ms. star. Are you ready?"

"Yup." I said popping the p. I pulled my shirt up and he put the gel on there and started moving the thing around. I looked at the machine. I saw two bodies. My babies!! Awe. There hands were intertwined.

"What is the sex?" I ask anxious.

"Well neither have anything in between their legs so they are both girls! Congratulations. Do you want to hear the heart beats?"

"Yes!" After a couple moments I heard my baby girls' heart beats! Oh my god they are so steady. I can't wait for them to get here!

"Can I get 2 CD's and pictures please?" I asked once we were done.

"Sure thing sweetheart." Kyle couldn't come with me. He got behind in some classes. So he let me take his car. No I can't drive but since the first day he gave me that booklet I studied it and he even took me out and let me practice! After I got out of there it was only 12:34 pm. I decided I would get something to eat then to go get my permit. I stopped at Subway and got a sandwich with a large dr. pepper. After I ate I went and took my permit test.

I was on the last one when Kyle texted me.

"Where are you?"

"Getting done with my permit test. Be there in a few minutes. Bye. G2g." I slid my phone back into my pocket and looked at the last question. I hit a brick wall. Shit.

"The sign that has yellow and black strips mean what?" I sat there racking my brain for answers. I looked back through the test, maybe it said the answer. Nope. Shit. Oh! It meant "object underneath!" duh! I scribbled down the answer, got up and waited for my results. About 5 minutes later they came back and said I passed. After getting my permit I left and went to get Kyle from school.

We switched spots when I seem him I got out and slid over into the passenger seat. Putting the babies heart beats into the CD player. He'll freak when I click play.

"Hey!" I said happy.

"Hey!" he said getting in kissing my cheek as he threw his bag in the back seat. He started the engine and hit play on the CD player.

"What's this?" he asked noticing it wasn't music playing.

"That, my baby, is our babies heart beats." I said smiling.



"What are we having?"

"GIRLS!" Without warning he pulled me into a sweet and passionate kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too." and I meant it. He dropped me off at my house as I gave him the CD Of the heartbeats and a copy of the sonograms. I kept mine and walked inside.


"What?! What did you find out honey?"

"They are girls!"

"That's great! You hungry?"

"Nope! Had Subway. I'm going to go take a shower then come back down and eat dinner.

After I finished my dinner I told mom about my permit.

"Mom can you sign this?" I said handing her my permit paper.



"That's great!" After we had a mini-celebration I went upstairs and did my homework. I got on Facebook. I had 4 wall posts. Oh no.

The first one read

'You're a slut. And you stink. Go doe in a hole u prego bitch!' Tears sprung to my eyes. I read the second one.

'Oh wow! you're pregnant. slut. whore. fat-ass. Go die in a hole both. Oh and take a shower once in awhile. You stink.'  I didn't get to finish it because I slammed my laptop down and crawled into bed, curling up in a ball and cried my self to sleep.

Authors note:
So she finds out they are girls, gets her permit and gets to hear the heartbeats! exciting chapter! I literally started on this like 30 minted ago and finished so if its bad i apologize. Anyway it's late and I need to go to sleep so bye. G'Night!


14 & Pregnant... EDITED & FINISHEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang