Chapter 1: Welcome to the Outside World!

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Part 1---------------------------------------------------------


A boy, around 19 years of age exclaimed in his thoughts.

"For crying out loud! I just bought you yesterday and you had to break already!? Can any more keyboards take my genius level typing?"

"Well, I can't do anything about it. It already happened. I guess time to buy a new one."

He then paused after realizing that he was going to wait for at least 2 days or so waiting for the delivery.

He just sighed at the thought of him buying a keyboard outside.

"Nope. Impossible I wouldn't go out to buy a keyboard, I can just wait for 2 days and it'll be fine!"

His gaze then turned to his monitor that was blinking.

"I-Impossible........ A-AN EVENT?!?!?!?!? TONIGHT!?!?!?!?"


"I have a totaled keyboard and a once-in-a-lifetime event is to begin later on my favorite game. Seriously how worse can my day can become?"

"Well.. I guess I can't do anything about it."

The boy stood up and got dressed, he then headed at the front door. Leading to the world outside, the outside world where he thought he never needed will actually be the one who will save him from his distraught day. Maybe.

The boy grabbed his shoulder bag and put his money, and gaming tablet in it.

"Alright, I'm all set. 20 to 40 minutes traveling time to the mall. It will just probably take me 20 to 30 minutes looking for a keyboard, and same traveling time back at home. As all my calculations say, it will only take me 60 to 110 minutes outside! Okay here we go!"

The boy stopped right before his fingertips touched the door knob.

"Well.. how am I supposed to talk to the salesman? Heh...."

He then fell at his knees thinking it was impossible for him after all his planning and calculations.

"I didn't think of this. How will I be able to buy something if I can't even open up my mouth? I had never talked to anyone for like 9 years! At least in person."

But the boy then realized being this down will not get him anywhere.

The boy then stood up with his flaming heart, he does not know what awaits for him outside his dark room but he knows one thing that he can only rely on himself. If he cannot do it, no one will be there to do it for him. He had no choice but to man-up and step outside.

"I can't let such a petty problem take over me! I will buy it! I definitely will!"

He gulped the last time as his hand reaches for the door knob.

He twisted it and he heard clanking metals and the door was unlocked.


Part 2---------------------------------------------------------

A girl about 16 years of age stood in front of a gloomy-looking and solemn house.

She was at her mom's garden watering the plants when she saw the mysterious house open up its door.

She stood not far away and she can clearly see the person going out of the house.

It was a boy around 2 years older than her, he was also a few inches taller than her.

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