About 3 hours later I had finished my book and we had arrived back to Austin’s house. After unloading everything I took a quick shower before getting ready for dinner. When I got out I blow dried and straightened my hair and went to my room to get dressed. I put on a black skirt that was short in the front and long in the back, a short sleeved red crop top and black ankle heel boots. I put my hair in a bun with a pink bow. After doing my makeup I went out to the dining room to see that he was ready to go. He was standing there in black nice skinny jeans with red high tops, a white t-shirt and a short sleeved plaid collared shirt unbuttoned.

“You look lovely.” He said when he saw me enter.

“Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

“Thank you. so you ready to go?”

“Ready as ever.”

While we drove to Olive Garden there wasn’t any talking so I turned on the radio to see what was on.

“And we danced all night to the best song ever we knew every line now I cant remember how it goes but I know that I wont forget her cause we fanced all night to the best song ever.” I smiled at my current favorite song and began singing along. Right as the song ended we pulled into the parking lot and parked near the entrance.  We were seated right away and I was surprised to see that there were hardly any people eating there.

“Welcome to Olive Garden my name is Amanda and I will be your server today. Can I start you off with some drinks?”

“I’ll have a Dr. Pepper” I said.

“I’ll have the same.”

“Perfect I will be right back.”

“So do you know what you are going to get?” I asked Austin once the waitress had left.

“Yupp. What about you?”

“Of course! I get the same thing everytime.”

“That is true. You never get something different. Not in the times I’ve brought you that is.”

“Can you blame me? Its their best dish.” I said.

“Sure, okay.” He smiled and nodded. She brought back our drinks and took our orders.

“Why are you so quiet?” I asked once she left again.

“Am I? I didn’t realize I was. I guess I just have a lot on my mind.” I shrugged.

“Like what?”

“Nothing important.”

“Oh, okay then.” We sat there in silence until she came back with our food. After I started eating Austin cleared his throat.

I looked up from his food and saw him smiling.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Is it good?”

“Well yeah that’s why I’m eating it you weirdo.” I chuckled.

“Okay I was just checking.” He smiled. We spent the rest of the time talking about the most random things and when we wer both finished Amanda came back and asked if we wanted desert. We ended up ordering 2 slices of chocolate cake. After the desert came and I began eating Austin cleared his throat again.


“Okay I need to say something and I need your full attention.”

“Wow okay. Sounds serious.” I said setting my fork down.

“Okay here it goes.” He took a deep breath and continued. “Alexis, I’ve known you for almost 13 years now and its been a crazy journey. You have changed my life in ways you cant imagine. Despite everything we have been through, you are the one person who is constantly on my mind. I think about you before I go to sleep and you’re the first thing I think about when I wake up. You know me better than I know myself. You make me a better person. You complete me. You are everything I could have ever wanted. Whenever you talk down on yourself and say things like you aren’t pretty, it makes me sad to hear you say that. It is so far from the truth. You are so beautiful and caring and smart and loving and talented and kinder than any person I have ever met. You are the only one I can see myself with. Nobody else will ever make me feel the way you do. I know we have our fights and I know you said that we shouldn’t be together. And I know I agreed but honestly, I lied. I do think we belong together. People fight and make mistakes but that’s what makes us human. We may not be perfect but we are perfect for each other. I love you so much.” He said in a matter of minutes.

I stared at him the entire time in shock. I didn’t know whether to cry or smile and thank him. I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t know what to do. One thing I knew for sure though was what was coming next. What scared me was that I didn’t know what I was going to say to it. I didn’t know how much time had passed but I knw that it must have taken so much courage for him to say that. Especially considering what we had been through. Why couldn’t he just accept it? Why did he have to make things so complicated? More than they had to be? why couldn’t we just enjoy a nice dinner?



“Remember a few years ago when we were hanging out in our spot and you asked me what I was thinking and I said I couldn’t tell you?”


“And remember how a few months ago I told you that I was thinking about our future. How I saw you in my future.”

“Yeah” I swallowed.

“I still think about that to this day. I never stopped. I knew that somehow we would meet again as some would say. I knew that eventually we would cross paths. I didn’t think it would turn out exactly the way it did but it happened.”


“So I have to ask you.” he paused.

“Ask me what?” I asked even though I had a clue as to what the question was going to be.

“Alexis, will you marry me?”


AUTHORS NOTE: and I end it. Yeah it’s a short chapter and I am sorry for that. I didn’t really know what to talk about while they were on tour. I might do flashbacks of it in future chapters, I’m not quite sure yet. And I am sorry to end it like this but I wanted to have a cliff hanger. So now I have questions and I want feedback!

Did you see that coming?

What do you think Alexis is going to say?

Do you think Austin was stupid in doing that?

What do you think is going to happen in their “future”?

Or if you have other comments then leave them below! I want to see what you guys think!

Now aside from that. How was everyone’s summer????

I had the best summer of my life. I saw One Direction in concert. I was in the 30th row on the floor and in the middle of the concert they came to a stage that was in the middle of the audience to answer twitter questions. I was about 15 feet from them and I couldn’t stop crying. The opening band 5 Seconds of Summer was AMAZING! I LOVE THEM! I might even start a Luke Hemmings fan fiction once this one is complete. (and yes it is coming to an end soon. There may or may not be a sequel. Haven’t decided.) and I saw the one direction movie which was freaking amazing.

And I just bought tickets to see Austin in 12 days and I cant wait! So yeah that was my summer.

I don’t know how many more chapters there are going to be. maybe like 25 total. So like 6 more. I am not sure yet. Its just that I have hit writers block with this story and I really want to start my other one. That and I have to finish both of my one direction stories. And yes they are both ending soon but they will each have sequels so not to worry for those reading my 1d fan fics! And I have to finish my Justin Bieber one. Meh. Anywho.

Comment and vote!!!

Love you guys

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