Fifteen Minutes With Lauren (Lauren g!p)

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There was no hint at the start of Camila's evening that before her shift had ended she'd experience the fuck of her young life.

The bar she worked at was its usual dingy self. Clientele the same rowdy bunch of people. Atmosphere noisy and on course for drunken mayhem by closing time.

The music, however, was a cut above normal. "Who is this band?" she asked Dinah, that evening's head bartender. 

"The Jauregays," she called above the din.

"Pretty hot!" She poured frothing glasses of beer.

"What, all of them?"

"The music, dummy!" She grinned and returned to her job - serving drinks and deflecting the attention of college boys. A college junior herself she had no time for their come-ons. Or for the posturing of rock-star wannabees. The Jauregays were pretty nice though, and the lead guitarist definitely drew a second glance.

It wasn't the way she looked. It was more the way she leaned into those riffs, the effortless flight of her fingers on the frets. Playing more for love than for show. And yes, it was also to do with how sweat highlighted the definition of her near naked torso. Shame about her self-imposed rule on bands.

I'm not a one-night stand kinda girl.

Much good it had done her that past year. Her commitment to Michael had been firm, his to her not so much. The fights it had caused... the words he'd used - often spiteful, occasionally loving when it suited him.

No one's going to have that kind of power over me again. Not ever.

"Hey. Do musicians get any preferential treatment?"

Camila was drawn to her voice first, then her smile. The latter transformed the guitarist, lighting up those emerald green eyes. She returned the smile, the full white-toothed one that she held back from the boys at the bar. "Yup one beer. On the house."

She was handing over the bottle when the guitarist grabbed her arm, fingers sliding around her wrist, gripping tight. Instinctively she tried to yank her hand back, but she held on, pulling Camila across the bar counter towards her.

"The things I'd do to you..."

The moment to slap the grin off the guitarist's face came and went, as that green eyed gaze drilled into her, smile fading into a look both hard and earnest. Her fingers brushed back strands that had fallen from Camila's ponytail. Then she let go of her wrist, her fingers tracing Camila's, before she turned away and headed for the dance floor.

Camila stood amid a throng of customers, shuddering. Something had happened, unique and scary. She could still feel the other girl's harsh touch on her skin and tender touch on her face. She recalled her penetrating eyes, her voice raw with promise. There was something about her, dark and delicious. Something she wanted, instantly and badly.

"Customers need serving!" Dinah's voice shattered her reverie.

She stared at the guitarist, heart pounding. "I'm gonna take my break."


"Is that okay? I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

In the bathroom she scrubbed her hands and stared in the mirror at the brown-eyed girl thinking wicked thoughts. Daddy's pride and joy.

"God, what are you doing?" But something within her knew. "To hell with it. I'll never see her again." She tugged her shorts so that they sat below her hips, barely meeting her tank-top, then she spun around on her three-inch heels, left the bathroom and made her way to the dance floor.

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