First Time With Lauren (Camila g!p)

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It was Labor day weekend. The summer was winding down and my parents decided to take one last camping trip before my school vacation ended. I enjoyed the camping trip that year. It was a welcomed change from the life we lived in Miami. I remember long solo treks into the forests and being one with nature. However, the last camping trip would be different; much, much different.

The Sunday morning before the actual Labor day, I ventured from our campsite to a nearby lake. I had put on my bikini with some shorts and grabbed a towel just in case I decided to go into the water. The sandy lake shore was packed with a multitude of families setting up their barbecues and preparing for a day of eating, drinking and spending time in the lake.

I walked through the crowds and noticed some familiar faces. There among the revelers stood Mike, a friend of the family, accompanied by his oldest daughter Lauren along with a dozen or so friends of Mike I did not know. I immediately sprinted towards them and I shook Mike's hand and embraced Lauren. Lauren was happy to see me and hugged me long and hard.

On this day Lauren was wearing a black bikini. As she turned away, I couldn't help but stare at her butt. Fortunately, my shorts were sufficiently loose on me to camouflage my increasing erection. Mike was too busy pouring lighter fluid into the barbecue grill to notice either.

For some time, I've been masturbating to Lauren, fantasizing about her breasts and what her nipples would look like. It would always cause a messy but incredible climax. The previous year during her families Christmas party, she got somewhat drunk and grabbed me close, and we danced together. I remember how tight she hugged me and the glorious sensation of her tits against my own. I was terrified of getting my pelvic area too close to hers, as I did not want her to feel how much I was enjoying this dance.

Immediately after the song finished, I turned and discretely rushed to the bathroom and stealthily closed the door. A few strokes later I was relieved. After cleaning up, I returned to the crowded living room. With radar like precision, Lauren spotted me and shot a somewhat naughty look my way; as if she knew what I had just finished doing in the bathroom. I felt a slight wave of shame.

But now, on the lake shore, a year later, older and wiser, I would feel no shame.

I was startled by Lauren's request to accompany her to the water. All the other picnic goers were conversing and laughing. Noticing that everyone was distracted, I grabbed an over-sized towel and headed to the water. I was mindful of holding the towel in my hand in such a way that it covered my package. The silhouette of my dick was easily visible in my shorts.

At the water's edge we both threw our towels down in the sand and waded in. I entered the water walking sideways, not wanting to face Lauren in a full frontal pose. Only after being waist deep in the water did I turn towards her.

Now safely in the water, we began talking. We spoke about school and our future plans. She asked if I was seeing anyone, I told her I had a girlfriend. Her line of questioning became more probing when she inquired if I was having sex with my girlfriend. Embarrassed, I truthfully shook my head no. Indeed, I was still a virgin, and although I had come close, I had yet to feel the pressure of full penetration. I thought it was odd when she rolled her eyes at my response. She turned and began to swim. I followed her.

She swam away from the point where we entered the crowded water to a more isolated area. There she stopped and turned. We were both chest high in the water now, facing each other about five feet apart, she began splashing water in my direction. I returned the splashing, forcing her to retreat. Hopping like an astronaut walking on the moon, I managed to catch her from behind and dunked her.

When she resurfaced, she was barely a foot away. She bobbed up and down and moved her hair away from her face. I grabbed both of her hands and we both began bobbing in unison.

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