A Singular Sensation (Camila g!p)

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She was everything I ever needed.

Just a glance across the street and there she was. The memories flooded back into my mind.

It was a fragrant spring day. The cherry blossoms were making the soft breezes enticing and rather sensual. She was there in those days. And now here she was. I hadn't expected to ever see her again, but here she was. 

I remembered the first day I had seen her. I was returning to college after having taken a couple years off. I was there to finish my degree and get on with my life. This was a class in Spanish that I needed. She was the instructor, Senorita Jauregui. Lauren Jauregui.

She was in her twenties. I wasn't sure how old, really. I was just twenty and not too sure of myself. I hadn't been in school for two years. Not since I changed my mind about going to school. But I did know one thing. She was attractive as hell. I was smitten from the moment I walked into the classroom.

I remember back to the time when Amy Winehouse was alive and popular on the music charts. Lauren reminded me of her in some ways. It was probably the dark hair and features. They had the same intimidating eyes.

I didn't get to call her Lauren for many months. She called me Camila even though my name was Karla. At first, she was always Senorita Jauregui. I would spend most of every period in her classroom just watching her move. Her body was curvaceous and supple. I watched the way she expressed everything she said with her hands, as she attempted to get us to learn Spanish.

She loved the language and struggled to get us to love it too. She mostly failed but I was at least trying to keep up with her and she appreciated that. I could see that in her smile when she greeted me. That smile could make me stir inside every time. It stirred me outside on occasion too. More than once my erection may have been obvious to her. I wondered if she noticed the physical effect she had on me.

The semester passed and I admit I has some problems. Not just in school but personally. I was in and out of relationships. A date here and another there. Never finding anyone that seemed to be the one. But I did get to see Lauren every school day. Classes were from Monday to Friday so I depended on her smile to brighten most of my week.

Finals week was upon us. The final exam with Senorita Jauregui was just finishing up. For me it was the last session of the day and I was in no hurry to leave as others gathered their books to depart. I rose up as the last student passed through the open door. I walked up to Lauren as she was arranging all the final exams on her desk.

She glanced up and gave me that smile. She spoke to me in Spanish and I was happy to respond in the same way. I thanked her for being such a good teacher. I hope I'd see her again in another class the next semester. She looked down and I noticed that her shoulder slumped slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"It's nothing. It's not your concern Camila." She turned away and quickly dusted her hands off.

"Bueno. Well, I'll see you later then Lauren." I started to leave. I felt her hand on my sleeve.

"Look Camila, I wan't you to know I was glad to have you in class. You're a good student, so I'm going to be honest with you. I won't be around after this semester. I'll be leaving. It has nothing to do with the students or my job. It's personal. I mean, my husband and I are having problems. But good luck with everything."

It just rose up in me. The urge, the need, the feeling that I couldn't let pass by. I dropped my bag on the floor grabbed her arms, and pulled her to me. She didn't struggle at all. Our lips met and merged and we were together. My arm held her tightly now and my other hand was caressing her brown hair. She moaned.

She broke away, staring at me. Then her eyes went to the open door.

"Lock it."

I rushed to follow her orders, making sure the shade on the window of the door was pulled down. Then I turned back to her. She was sitting on her desk and her smile was enticing me.

I was a little rough, forcing her skirt up and her legs apart. I got my zipper down and my pants around my legs, while my mouth was hungrily tasting her lips again. Then I was holding my hardness as I pulled her panties aside and guided my cock into her opening. She grunted as I thrust into her, holding her in my grip.

"Holy fuck! Oh God. Yes. Yes. Fuck me, yes, fuck me. Oh fuck."

Her round ass was now in my hands as I was jerking forward and deep into her. Still trying to kiss her on the mouth and neck. Biting, licking and sucking like an animal. She was so perfect, and exactly what I needed. As she cried out over and over again, I began moving in and out of her faster and faster. Then groaning. Cumming into her. Cumming so hard. Spurting, and spurting. Feeling my cum surging out and into her.

That was 4 years ago. The first and only time I'd had sex with a teacher. Now here she was.

I crossed the street. I arrived at her table and grinned down at her. She looked up as my shadow crossed her face. And there it was. That smile. 

"Camila. How are you? Sit."

I sat down and then took her hand.

"I tried to get hold of you, but they don't give out personal information to students. What happened to you Lauren?"

"Don't be like that Camila. You had no reason to get involved in my mess. And really, that was years ago. You were perfect that day. Just what I needed. But I never thought you'd want to get mixed up in my marriage problems."

"I mean, I got married at a really young age. We were bound to have problems."

"So tell me Lauren, how did things go for you? Did you and your husband fix your problems?"

"No. That's been over and done with for a while. He decided that a girl he worked with needed him more than I did. I guess my problems are fixed in a way. He's out of my life."

As she spoke my grip on her hand tightened. I could feel her trembling a little. Her words were not describing how much everything actually affected her. She may have wanted to seem okay, but clearly she wasn't.

"Perfect. Lucky me. Are you free tonight?"

I looked into her green eyes where  a little tear had formed and trickled down one cheek. She gave me a small smile.

"Yes. I'm free. I'm here for a conference and I was supposed to go to a dinner with some other professors, but I can get out of it. Where should we meet?"

We met at her hotel. We dined there in the hotel restaurant. We caught up. I had never married. I'd lived with a woman for three years but that had ended when she left for someone who wanted children. I had never wanted that.

And I discovered that Lauren had no children either. She was a full professor at a university. I was a free-lance writer. And neither of us had personal obligations. I walked her up to her room. She slid her card in and opened her room door. She stepped in through the open door and I followed.

"Lock it."

I did that. Then I moved us to the bed. Ripping and tearing our clothes off. She wasn't getting away again. We were stripped and I had her beautiful legs up over my shoulders. She helped me now. Her hand was on my stiff member. She started rubbing the head of my cock up and down her moist slit, then positioned me at her entrance. I moved in, feeling the heat, and the thrusts began.

Her arms encircled my neck drawing my lips to hers. I kissed her as I began pumping into her hot pussy. I was a little more experienced now. More than the first time. 

"Yes, Camila. Oh, yes. Fuck me harder."

"You're mine now Lauren. Oh fuck. I've waited so long." I grunted with the fulfillment of my lust and passion, fucking this perfect woman for the second time now.

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