Chapter 114

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Caleb's POV: I can't stop thinking of Renae 😭 I fully haven't stopped thinking of her since we broke up 😒 So Jasmine's cheating on me....
Honestly I haven't brought it up cause I've  been distant towards her
Renae looked so beautiful when I saw her the other day , her hair was doing bits✨ but her hair was even beautiful before😒
She just is really beautiful and I don't know why I let her go. Now Rahem has her and I don't know what to do. But I know she's going to be my wife and is going to have my children honestly 🤗 i am certain about that. I don't know how but I know.
And I know she still loves me , I probably sound like a dick'ed but trust me I can see it when she looks at me. I see both love and hate😒
Anyway I got up and done my hygiene. I guess I'm going to just be a friend to her for now😒 and be there for her when she needs me but I don't think it will be easy for her to talk to me.
I've been talking to my mum about it and she told me that she believes in me and Renae and that everything that's happening now will soon come to pass.
My mum really doesn't like Jasmine😂 can't blame her tbh.
Anyway I left my room and went downstairs.
"Morning weirdos" I said "morning"they all replied. I kissed my mum on the check and gave my dad a spud and routed.
I walked to the bus stop and met up with squad. Renae was there but she was waiting for her bus. I said yo to everyone then we all said bye to Renae and got on our bus. Shitden she was looking peng😭.
Jasmine doesn't meet up with us to go school she's started going with this guy from outside our school , she says it's her cousin but I don't believe her .Like he takes her to the gate.
Lol why do I care?😂 well maybe cause she's still my girlfriend Hm but I lost feelings
Anyway what's a relationship without trust right?😒

I got to school and waited for Jasmine I waited for her where she couldn't see me. Then I saw her walk with the guy and they started lipsing🙂 rah
I'm actually a dick'ed
I walked up to them. "I'm I a dick'ed Jasmine?" She looked hella scared atm and the guy looked confused. "Why you shouting at my girlfriend like that?" He said. "Rah your girlfriend? Jasmine I thought he was your cousin" I said as I recognised the boy "wtf she told me you were her cousin , I'm her man " he said  "rahhh Jasmine that's poor , don't chat to me , don't breathe the same fucking air as me. Go back to the school you came from"I said
"Baby no let me explain" she said and I walked away and went into school.

I walked pasted the lockers and I just let my anger out and punched them. Like I knew she was cheating but it still hurts when you see it for yourself .
The teacher came out and told me to stop. Which made me angrier and I hit the wall. Fuck my hand‼️
Remel came out and took me to the nurse still. My hand was all bloody and shit. It's better than hitting someone I guess.
The nurse told me I have to go hospital kmt😑
So they called my parents to come and get me. When they came we routed hospital. I explained what happened and my mum went on about how she never liked Jasmine and shit🙄 Ffs I made a snap of my hand and captioned it 'e'r hospital😑'
Bare people popped up asking what happened. I fully just wondered why they were on their phones .
We got to the hospital and I was told that I broke some bones in my hand. They put a sort of bandage on my hand and we left.
lol worst day ever😒💔
I fucking miss Renae on top of that
She was acc my favourite person

I was jamming in my room when my phone started flashing. 'Wifey🔐❤️' came up on the screen. Yes I haven't changed her name😑 problem? I answered
"Hey Renae"I said
"What the fuck happened Caleb?"
"Went to wait for Jasmine at the gate ... Saw her kissing some next man... I got pissed off and started hitting lockers then I hit the wall and broke some bones in my hand"
"She's not worth it Caleb, don't be angry because of her. Be happy that you are finally free" she said which made me laugh
"Yeahyeah Renae"
We talked abit more. Shit I fully missed this

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