Chapter 87

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~1week later~
Tyrone's POV(Rhea's son):
Today is our first day at Kingsmead and I'm going to be in 10J. Rah This gone be good I guess , already miss Birmingham. Anyway I got up and did my hygiene , I then put my towel over the lower half of my body and knocked on my sister Tianna's Room.
"Tia ? You awake?"
"Yeah I am"
"Alright good , meet you downstairs in 10mins?"
"Alright big bro"
I'm a really protective brother like I don't let shit happen to my little sister , I make sure she's ready when she has to be like I have to protect her from everything tbh. Anyway I went and I got dressed. After so I then combed my curls . I made a snap smiling and doing all kinds of faces I then captioned it ' First day✌🏾️'.

Then I grabbed my bag and went downstairs
"Morning mum" I said whilst giving my mum a kiss
"Morning dad" I said whilst doing me and my dads handshake 🙌
Tianna then came down and said morning to our parents
"I put £300 on both of your accounts" Dad said
"Thanks daddy"
"Love you guys" Mum said whilst waving goodbye to us
"Love you too" we said
Dad took us to school today so we get used to the route. We got into the white Ferrari and drove to school.
~at school~
We walked into the hall and we separated and went into our classes.
"Hi sir I'm Tyrone"
"The new student yes?"
"Class this is Tyrone and he will be apart of this class , make him feel welcome"
I then found a seat , and took out my phone since everyone was on their phone as it was registration.
"Hi Tyrone I'm Renae" I heard behind me
I slightly turned around to look at her , oh rah she's Renae Matthews .
"Hey" I replied back
"Yo Tyrone" her twin brother Remel spoke
"Yo " I replied
Everyone in their squad said hey to me basically. We spoke abit and we just all got close well I got close to them.
"Your parents are Kayla&Ky Matthews right?"
"Yeah and your parents are Rheanna&Blaze Peters yeah?" Remel spoke
"Yeah they are"

Tianna's POV: this school seemed chill tbh. I was in 8J. I walked into the class and went to the teacher
"Oh you must be Tianna Peters?"
"Oh yeah I am miss"
"We are happy to have you in our class"
"Thank you"
"Jacob could you come here please?"
Jacob was peng 😍 he had beautiful brown eyes and his hair was penggg. He walked up to us and smiled st me
"Yeah miss?" His breath smelt fineeeee😍so mintyyy and freshhhhh
"Could you look after Tianna for this week?"
"Sure miss" He said whilst winking at me 😩
We then both went and sat with his squad
"Yo guys this is Tianna"
"Um hi guys"
"Aww don't be shy" This penng girl said like she was so pretty
"Sorry I'm just new to all this"
"It's alright I'm Reina and this is Reece my twin" She said
"Yo Tia , can I call you Tia?" Reece said
"Yeah sure"
"Yoo I'm James , Jacobs twin"
I smiled at him
"Hey girl ,I'm Caitlylin and this is my twin Crystal"
"Hey" I said smiling at them
"Wow so 3sets of twins here?"
"Yeah " They said in sync
"Let me see your timetable" Reina said
I handed it to her
"We have classes all together so we will be with you okay"she said
"Alright thanks"
"It's alright " she said

A/n- so I introduced Tyrone and Tianna
How do you feel about them?
Like them or not ?

Because i love youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz