Chapter 28- Stay with me

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Kayla's POV: I cried tbh😴I can't believe after everything he just broke up with me😐with no explanation 😔 I heard the door shut so I went downstairs and I could here Deve and Jasmi talking so I decided to wait abit.
Deve: he broke up with her because he's leaving
Jasmi : leaving? What you mean?
Deve: his mum is sending him to live With his dad because of the fight
Jasmi: that doesn't mean he has to break up with Kayla 😔
Deve: his dad lives in Manchester b
Jasmi: when's he leaving?
Deve: tomorrow after school
Me: what!?, so he didn't actually want to break up..
Deve: um no why would he
I had to go after him so I put my black airforces on and put my Nike hoody on
Jasmi: where you going ?
Me: after ky, he can't leave when we're on bad terms
Deve: ight hurry hurry
And with that I left . I knew he wouldn't be at his house so I decided to go check the park instead . I got to the park and saw a guy sitting by the bench with a girl but I didn't know if that was him or not . She was just talking to him so I didn't mind if that was him or not .

Me: ky ??
Ky: Kayla
Me: I'm sorry , why didn't you tell me you were moving ?
Girl: who are you?
Me: I'm his girlfriend
Girl: the one he just dumped ?
Me: kmt move , ky you should've told me instead of breaking up with me
Girl: he doesn't want to talk to you b
Ky: I'm sorry princess , I thought it would have been better this way
Me: for who? Me or you? Cause I know it wouldn't have been better for me. Come back to mine please , so we can atleast spend time together before you leave .
Ky: anything for you princess
Girl: excuse me I thought we were hitting things off
Me: allow stay in your lane , he's happily in a relationship , bye now.
Then me and my started walking away and he gave me a piggyback ride and I snapped us caption ' my prince 🌍❤️🔥'. Then we got to my house and joined Deve and Jasmi .
We were all cuddled up and we watched the duff 😂😍😍we made the boys watch it 😌
Jasmi: I have an idea , ky instead of moving why don't you just live here our mum wouldn't mind
Ky:I think my mum would mind though
Deve: why can't I live here
Jasmi: Deve babes shh
Me: Deve you practically live here with the amount of time you spend here
Deve: truetrue
Ky: na but the reason I'm moving is so I won't be near Jordan and all that and I won't get into fights
Me: but ky we could try and change your mums mind
Ky: you can try but it won't work b
Deve: he's right , his mum is proper strict😩
Me: well we can atleast try😔I just want to fight for you
Ky: I know you do babygirl❤️
The rest of the night we watched all the fast and furious movies then we all fell asleep I guess 🙅🏽🌱

Thanks to Its_not_everyday_xo for giving me ideas x

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