58 - babies

216 8 3

It's been 3months and Jillian gave birth to her twins boy and a girl named Austin and Amirah Carter .

Jillian & Jordan - have Austin and Amirah Carter which are both 1month

Kayla&Kyson- have Renae and Remel Matthews which are 9months

Jasmine&Deveonte - have  Jaida Kayla Smith and she is 3months

Christina&Ajay - have Caleb Johnson who is 7months

Kayla's POV : My mum wanted to throw us all a little party for to congratulate us on giving birth. The party took place at mine and Kysons house , all our husbands were away for a couple weeks for basketball🙄so we all decided to stay at mine together to keep each other company (Justin bieber 😉😭❤️sorry I had to)

"Kayla I can't believe you have 2 children , I just remember when we first moved here my baby you have grown up so fast and you also Jasmine you have sprouted like a bean " everyone laughed " Jasmine you and Kayla have brought wonderful creations into life and I am thankful to be there grandmother" said Mum

"Kayla I remember when I tried taking Kyson away from you oh my gosh that was a big mistake but I'm so happy to be your mother in law and to have these wonderful grand children by my side" said Kysons mum

Everyone's mum spoke and we all talked and watched movies we decided to watch Frozen I really felt like a child again , Renae and Remel are turning 1 soon can you believe ?😭 they are my world 🌎. They were both sound asleep in their cots which the other babies.

"Guys it feels like just yesterday we were in high school 15 years old then we went to prom and now we are here 🌎❤️" Jasmine said

" it really does because I value you all as my family and every step of the way has been incredible and I have cherished each moment with you guys ❤️" said Christina , we all cooed

"We didn't start off at a right start but look at us now 😣❤️we have made it about 8years now 😌blessed to have all of you" said Jillian

"Im glad to have you lots as my sisters you are so great and I love you all time does really fly fast doesn't it ?" I asked

Everyone agreed and we continued to talk abit further

A/N - I changed some of the babies names so they start with different letters  unless they are twins

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