Chapter 15

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Recap * Kayla's POV :
I heard everything ky said , I wanted to tell him I love him too but my body wouldn't let me , I wasn't In control of my body anymore . I tried so heard to move but it wouldn't work.*

* it's been 1 week and Kayla still hasn't woken up , everyone comes and sees her everyday but ky stopped coming , everyone at school knows . Jordan knows now , ky and Deve both beat him up as it was Jordan's fault *

Ky's POV :
It's been a week , my princess still hasn't woke up , I know I haven't gone to see her in 4 days but even if I went to see her it wouldn't make a difference . I'm starting to think she's gone , I love her for real , she's the only girl that has got me feeling this type of way. I know I should see her but I don't think so . Maybe tomorrow. I heard a knock at my door .
Jasmii: ky it's me and deve
I went and opened the door
Me: hey guys
Jasmii: we are on our way to go see Kayla , do you want to come
Me: guys umm
Deve : comon you haven't seen her for the past 4 days !
Me: it wouldn't make a difference anyway
Jasmii : you never know , ky please come , please
I didn't know what to do but I decided to go
Me: fine I'll come
Jasmii: no stay , I don't want you to come see my sister by force , if you really love her you would have came everyday
Me: I'm coming relax and I do love her
Deve: bro , are you sure? You don't act like it
Me: shut the fuck up I've loved this girl ever since I met her , I couldn't come see her because it hurt me so much seeing my baby so lifeless
Jasmii: ky were all hurting , but we just need to be there for her okay
Me: alright , I'm coming
I went and put my air forces on , took my keys and phone and we left for the hospital. We took 491 because that takes us right outside of North Middlesex hospital
On our way I decided to go to the shops and buy Kayla a teddy bear which says I love you and some flowers , to be specific roses.
I took a picture of everything and posted it on snapchat  with the caption * for my princess 💖😔*

* Hospital*
Jasmii's POV:
I'm so happy ky decided to come and see Kayla , I know he's hurting but she needs him most ,she needs him to wake her up I just know it . I went over to the counter as we got in

Me: hello I'm hear to see kayla Renords
Nurse: right this way darling
Me: thank you , has she gotten any better?
Nurse : she started getting better 4 days ago then she just stopped I guess

Kay's POV:
When the nurse said that I was broken , was I the reason she started getting better then she stopped because I stopped coming to see her ?
We all walked in and I out the things by her bed and went over to her , held her hand and kissed her lips softly.
Me: princess ?I'm sorry I haven't been here , I was just hurting , I didn't know how to talk . I was scared , I couldn't handle watching your body look drained . I love you so much baby

Kayla's POV : he's back 😭my prince is back , I felt stronger . I felt my body giving me control . I needed him here , I needed him to help me and he did , he came back for me. I managed to move my fingers .

Ky: someone get the nurse !!
Jasmii: what's wrong
Ky: she's coming back , her fingers are moving she's getting her body back
Nurse: what's happened
Deve: he helped her wake up
Nurse : who are you to her ?
I slowly opened my eyes and finally opened my mouth
Me: he's my boyfriend
Nurse : your up! Thank Jesus for bringing your boyfriend here .
Ky rushed to me and hugged me tight
Ky: I love you so much princess
Me: I love you so much prince
Ky: I promise I will always be by your side through thick and thin
Me: me too ❤️

Authors note : I really loved this one , please give feedback and vote . What did you think of this chapter ?what do you think will happen next .
Thank you for reading x

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