Chapter 86

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Caleb's POV: I woke up this morning and Renae was moving about a lot , then I noticed she was on her reds. I quickly got out of bed and ran her a bath with some bath bombs, I lit some scented candles in her bathroom so she can be relaxed. I then went back to her room.
"Baby , wake up?"
"Hmm" she groaned
"You're on your reds , come go have a bath"
"Hm thank you" I could tell she was embarrassed so I kissed her check
"Don't be embarrassed baby , it's life"
She nodded and went into her bathroom. I then took her sheets off and put them in the washing machine. I also then took out new sheets and made her bed😊. I thought to myself she's going to want chocolate. So I went downstairs and Renaes mum was there
"Morning Caleb"
"Renae's on her reds , could I have like a couple packs of chocolate for her?"
"Of course there on the top shelve, is she okay?"
"Yeah thanks , I just ran her a bath now so she can feel relaxed"
"How sweet of you, you really like her don't you?"
"Miss Matthews , I love her tbh"
"Have you told her ?"
"No I don't want to say it yet"
"Alright but when you do tell her I'm sure she will say it back , you make her happy"
"Thanks Miss Matthews "
"Miss Matthews makes me sound so old 😂 please just call me Kayla
"Alright thanks Kayla"
We laughed anyway I got as much oreo and cookie crumble chocolate I could and left them on her bed in a heart shape, I then took a snap of it man I was proud 😂 I captioned it ' for bae❤️✨' .I then left a note which said 'going home to get changed be back in abit b x'

I got home and took a shower , when I came out I had a text from my baby
Renae👸🏽 : thank you so much for the chocolate and for the bath xx
Caleb: it's alright anything for my babygirl xx
Renae👸🏽: aww 😭❤️xx
Caleb: I'm coming over in like 5minutes xx
Renae👸🏽: alright baby xx

I then made my way back to Renae's I knocked on the door and ky answered it( Renae's dad)
"You good?"he said whilst giving me a spud
"Yeah thanks and you?"
"Yeah come in"
"Renae's Upstairs , Remel is upstairs aswel so go to whoever you are here for"
I laughed abit
"Thanks ky"
"Just remember one thing , you're not allowed to have sex with Renae alright ?"

And with that I went upstairs to Renae's Room. I walked in and she was just on her bed watching some movies. And obviously eating her chocolate.
"Hey baby"
"Hey bae"
"You feeling alright?"
"My stomach really hurts"
"Awe let me get you a hot water bottle"
I jogged downstairs and asked ky for a hot water bottle and he got it and filled the water inside. I then brought it to Renae.
"Is that any better?"
"Yeah thank you"
"Anything for my princess"
I said whilst getting in bed with her.
After 20minutes she got bored of watching this movie so we started looking at memes.

^this one made us laugh bare 😂

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^this one made us laugh bare 😂. I was so happy that she was laughing and she forgot about the pain she was feeling , we looked at more memes such as

That one was jokes "When I propose I'll acc do that to you , if you say no""How could I ever say no now!?"She looks so beautiful with no makeup nothing , just her bare face

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That one was jokes
"When I propose I'll acc do that to you , if you say no"
"How could I ever say no now!?"
She looks so beautiful with no makeup nothing , just her bare face.
"Renae , you're really beautiful you know"
"Don't say that I'm not even wearing makeup"she said trying to cover her face
"That's what makes you even more beautiful babygirl , stop wearing makeup for me please"
"I can't do that "
"Alright maybe that was abit too much , okay don't do your whole face when you apply makeup"
"I'll think about it"
I stopped there and just brought her closer to me because I knew if I continued we could've ended up arguing and I'm not having that
"But just remember baby , you are beautiful without makeup okay?"
"Sometimes I don't think so tbh"
I was so shocked. A girl this beautiful doesn't think she's beautiful 😭 that's actually heart breaking
"Babygirl , don't say that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my eyes well expect my mum"
She laughed abit
"Thanks baby but I don't know , sometimes I just get a lot of negative comments on my posts and it just brings my self esteem down"she said whilst a tear ran down her face , I wiped it away and kissed her forehead and hugged her tight
"You're beautiful don't forget that"I whispered in her ear.

A/N - hey guys it's like midnight so I decided to post this for you all

Because i love youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora