Chapter 94

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Tyrone's POV: I decided to go comfort Renae , since I was in the library I saw her all alone. Like na she's hurting and Caleb doesn't even care she's his girl he should treat her right. I'm not gone try anything but she just needs someone to be by her side.
I walked up to her and sat next to her
"Hey Ren"I whispered
"Hey ty"
"You okay today ?"
"Um yeah and you?"
"You don't have to act strong uno, I can see you hurting Ren"
"I'm fine honestly"
"Alright Ren but I'm here to talk uno"
"Thanks ty"
"It's alright , you like drawing ?"
"Yeah" she said whilst looking at her drawing of herself
"It's really good fr "
"Thank you , can you draw ?"
"I can't draw to save my life"
"Comon try" she said whilst passing me some paper and I pencil
"Hmm alright fine "
I tried to draw her but obviously it failed
She looked at it and burst out laughing
"I know it's terrible"
"No no it's unique " she said making me laugh

We spoke for a long time and pretty much hung out the whole day , she's pretty cool tbh. I was walking her home after school.
As we walked out of the gate Caleb was there.

Caleb's POV: Hm so I decided to Come talk to Renae , I feel bad for not talking to her for this long. I was waiting outside for them to finish school when I saw her with Tyrone. She was smiling , I guess he's been doing a better job than I have🔪. That made me vexed but I tried to control it cause she's still my girl. I walked up to them.
"Renae can we talk?"
"Um okay" she said quietly
"Can I walk you home whilst be talk?"
She looked at Tyrone and back at me
"Tyrone wa-"
"Nah I'm just leaving , I'll holla you in abit and safe Caleb" Tyrone said
"Safe t"
We started walking and it was just silent. I just don't know what to say to her cause it seems like she's moving to other man.
"You wanted to talk?" She questioned
"Um yh... Wait are you feeling Tyrone ?"
"No Why would I ? We are still together aren't we?"
"Yea..h , I just thought"
"Is there abit of jealously ?"
She said making me laugh abit
"Nah I don't get jealous , I know what's mine and I just don't allow anyone else to take what's mine"
"I'm sorry"
She sighed and looked down. I don't like her being upset , I lifted her chin up so our eyes can meet
"Hey it's okay , I'm sorry for not talking to you sooner"
"No I understood why you would've been angry and I am truly sorry , Caleb i love you"
That brought a smile to my face since we've never told each other that we love one another
"I love you too babygirl"
She smiled causing me to smile and we both leaned and kissed but this was like a proper make out session. I missed her truly
"I missed you Caleb"
"Missed you too princess" I said whilst putting my arm over her as we headed to her house.
"Let's never let anything get between us babygirl"
"We won't"
She made a snap of us walking to her house and captioned ' w'my baby🌎😭❤️'
So happy to have her back.

A/n - thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed

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