Chapter 9

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*Phil's POV*

"And remember kids, don't cry, CRAFT!" The two of us said in unison. We stared at the camera stupidly before bursting into a fit of giggles. I turned off the camera and turned to look at Dan.

"How do you think the Phandom will react to this?" Dan asked me. (It's the second DanAndPhilCRAFTS video by the way)

"Well, a lot of them would love it, and some are even predicting this is going to happen." I replied. "Y/N will love it. Though she did seem disappointed that she couldn't come over-"

"You need to stop talking about Y/N so much. I know she's an exciting topic, but seriously. Stop. Anyways, she likes coming over so she can be with people that are relatively happy. You know it would be hard for her with Pj's depression and all."

"Hey! I like her hugs!" I squealed in defence. "I'm just worried about her, that's all. She doesn't have proper supervision within the house, and-"

"Phil, she is quite independent." Dan interrupted, "You really don't need to worry. Worry about Pj. He's the one in danger."

"I am worried about him." I retorted.

"Enough of that, we should probably get to editing. We need to have the video 100% ready before April 1st, and that's tomorrow."

"Only because of your goddamn procrastination." I said with a glare, though not harsh enough to be believable.

"I'm sorry, who's idea was this?" Dan asked me.

"Um, yours, you idiot." I chuckled loudly, enjoying stirring my beloved roommate.

"I- uh- ugh! Let's just edit this video already." Dan said, giving up on the argument. We proceeded to edit the video, making sure it was as crap as possible. Once we had finished, I asked Dan,

"Wanna watch some Death Note? We're so close to finishing!"

"Okay, do you want anything to drink?" Dan asked.




"Marshmallow in it as well?"

"You know me too well." I replied, smiling widely. Dan proceeded to the kitchen and I shut the laptop, leaving it on the dining table. I pulled up the next episode of Death Note on the screen, waiting patiently for Dan to come back.

About 3 minutes later, Dan came into the lounge with a mug in either hand, one the whiskers mug, and the other the pixel people mug (#Spon - Buy one today, only $30.90 AUD including shipping! *sighs*). He gave the whiskers mug to myself and sat down next to me, taking a sip of his drink.

His was hot chocolate, of course.

I took a sip of my coffee and it was perfect, as always. I pressed play on the remote and the TV screen burst to life. Dan snuggled into my side. We lay in that position, watching the rest of the episode. When it was over, we got up and each headed to our separate rooms.

I decided to watch the Undertale videos back, it was my favourite series. I was in that position until around 11pm, when I decided to go to bed. Dan would most probably be on tumblr for another 3 hours, so I decided to say goodnight to him.

I walked into Dan's room, only to find him asleep with his computer on his lap. I walked over to Dan's bed, shut the lid of the laptop gently and pulled it from his lap. I walked it over to the charger and plugged it in, then went back to Dan. I, as gently as possible, tugged the blanket out from under him. I moved Dan so he was in a comfortable position for sleeping in the bed then put the blanket back over him.

"Goodnight, Dan." I whispered, hugging him before leaving the room.

Technically it's not Thursday for another 2 and 1/2 hours but idgaf

That was most definitely a filler. It's so short!
Anyways, I'm proud of myself for writing two chapters in one day :)
It's May 2nd at the time I write this.

Anyways, I have a story to tell.
It's short, but better than nothing.

This is the story of how I burned my pinkie finger.
So, I was making custard, as you do, and I finished it successfully by some miracle.
I was v v proud of myself.
Anyways, I proceeded to take it back to my bedroom so I could watch YouTube on my bed and... BAM

I dropped the bowl.

The custard was quite hot, and a lot of it went on my pinkie finger. I didn't have any water nearby and I didn't want to put it my mouth in fear of burning that too, so I just flung my hand everywhere to either fling it off or cool it down.

It didn't work. The only thing I got out of that was little drops of custard on my wall. So yeah, now my pinkie is burned.

I'm such a clutz.


Stay crunchy my cookies,

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