Chapter 7

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Your first day of detention.

Much fun. Very punish. Not bore.

You walk into the classroom and immediately noticed that there were no other girls in there. In fact, it was mostly bullies of the school, who each had their own nerds to pick on.

Jack wasn't there, naturally. He never got caught. He was a perfect student in the teacher's eyes, that's why you didn't tell the principle the story.

The classroom smelled gross, like sweat and too much deodorant. You shuddered as you walked to a spare desk at the back of the classroom.

Boys sneered at you as you walked past them. One tried to trip you.

You flipped him off.

You sat in one of the seats at the back of the classroom. There was a boy in the seat next to you, who looked terrified. The rules of detention were up on the board.

1. No talking.
2. No phones.
3. No reading.
4. No fighting.
5. No eating.

You chuckled quietly to yourself at the realisation that there were no teachers in the room, and you pulled your phone out. You flashed a quick text to Phil, which read, 'Eh, it's not all that bad in here, the teachers aren't in here to enforce the rules written on the board lol.' You sent the text and slipped your phone back in your bag, just before you heard some hushed fighting. You studied the room to find the culprits. They were in the front row of desks. They were Macklin and Eligah, fighting over something. Macklin was actually a really smart kid, but he chose to bully because he found it fun.

What an idiot.

Eligah was weird. He bullied people, but then he also read a lot in the library. No body really liked him, he was so rude and unforgiving that you'd think he wasn't human.

You watched the boys as the argument became more heated, and progressively louder, until Macklin threw the first punch. The boys continued punching and kicking each other, and other bullies starting fighting each other too, obviously all from different gangs. The boy next to you curled into a ball out of terror. You got up and crouched next to his seat, and he flinched.

"Please don't hurt me," he said, whimpering.

"Don't worry, I won't. I've only ever punched someone once, and I had good reason to," you replied. He looked up at you, and you couldn't help but notice how much he looked like a YouTuber that Clancy watched. "I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You asked him over all the fighting.

"I'm Lachlan," he replied. You found it funny that he shared the same name as the YouTuber as well, and you smiled a little.

"Why are you here?" You asked Lachlan.

"I was framed for punching one of the bullies in here by another bully," He replied. There was a ridiculously large amount of bullies in the school, and the principle never expelled them. "Why are you here?"

"I punched Jack," you answered. He gasped. Jack was the most well-known bully in the school. He only physically injured one person *Cough* You *Cough* but no one knew who that was. He was really mean to most though.

"Why?" Lachlan questioned.

"Because, I was sick of him... Umm.. Treating people the way he did," you didn't want to reveal to him the truth, and receive false sympathy. It had to stay secret.

"Wow, that's really brave of you," he said in awe.

"I guess.. But I regret it now," You replied. You didn't really, punching him after years of being bullied was the best feeling in the world. The pair of you continued talking until half an hour later when a teacher burst into the classroom.

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